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mushrooms getting eaten

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hi all,

i bought a nice piece of LR with mushrooms on them last week. but now, the mushrooms are getting lesser and lesser each day. no sign of melting or dying, just here today gone tomorrow.

only have 2 crabs and 4 snails in my tank.

highly doubt that the snails will eat the mushrooms so the biggest suspects are the crabs.

are crabs mushroom safe?

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  • SRC Member

a possibility is your water conditions is no good.

shrooms do not die, they just melt away....

maybe some old bird can verify this... or at least... that was wad an old bird told me once...

*translated from Hokkien*

"If say no bang wall, this idiot will never ripen" - Mr Quah Siew Kow.

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there's no sign of melting.

the shrooms looks abit cut up, split. saw the crab hanging ard them and putting things in its mouth. can't see clearly cos they only come out at night with the moonlight on.

water condition is gd, changing water weekly for my 10gallon.

ph 8.1


72w PL (36w 10k white and 36w blue)

temp 25C

ammonia & nitrite 0

nitrate <5ppm

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nothing to ID....

hairy crabs are evil......

nuke the damn tank!!! hahaha....

remove the LR... making sure the crab is inside.... soak the LR in it for about 1 or 2 min... or untill the crab is out of the rock... quickly... take out the rock... leaving the crab in the pail/tub.... then watch it die from fresh water poisoning... heehee...

*translated from Hokkien*

"If say no bang wall, this idiot will never ripen" - Mr Quah Siew Kow.

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remove the LR... making sure the crab is inside.... soak the LR in it for about 1 or 2 min... or untill the crab is out of the rock... quickly... take out the rock... leaving the crab in the pail/tub.... then watch it die from fresh water poisoning... heehee...

wah, so hairy crabs are evil ah!

my bro passed to me wan ley, sabo me is it? hmmm..... <_<:evil:

thanks for the advise everyone :)

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