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Clowns not going near Anemonies

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Hi All...

I added a small pink tip bulb anemone to my tank

of 2ft tank a week ago.

My tank currently is a FOWLER setup with just a

percula and a yellow band maroon.

(they are getting along fine)

I have noticed that for the past week both clowns

did not go near the anemone.

How do I help them to get acustom to the anemone? :)

Thank you. :)

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  • SRC Member

from my experience... this kinda thing is heng suay one....

put yrself in the clowns' shoes....

u are happy alone all this while.... then yr mother brings u this ger which she thinks u can get along well.... but when u see this ger....

FWAH!!! u dun like her... so u keep far far away frm her...

then another week... yr mother brings another ger.... FWAH!!! this time she is ANGELINA JOLIE!!!!! then wad happens???

do u get the picture???

long and short of it.... tis kinda thing is see heng suey one....

*translated from Hokkien*

"If say no bang wall, this idiot will never ripen" - Mr Quah Siew Kow.

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  • SRC Member


okay... this kinda thing is see lucky or not....

if u lucky... then the clown will find the anemone.... if u unlucky.... then the clown will ignore the anemone...

just wad i think...

*translated from Hokkien*

"If say no bang wall, this idiot will never ripen" - Mr Quah Siew Kow.

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  • SRC Member

Scared them more often so that they seek refuge ? :lol: Kidding...bad joke.

Pink tip bulb should host maroon ,blue stripe ,tomatoes and clark.

maybe your yellow band maroon is not a real maroon.

If you want to find a host for your pecular, then leather anmemone would be the best bet.(but its a hard species to keep in captive)

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  • SRC Member

Use the hand method...driving clown around till it gets to the anemone. This method is often used by reefers in RC.


"Ah, Blackadder. Started talking to yourself, I see."

"Yes...it's the only way I can be assured of intelligent conversation."

- Melchett and Edmund Blackadder

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  • SRC Member

it usally times some times for the clowns to host aneomes mine took 2 weeks to move in :) now they moved and started to breed :o

*waits for his eggs to hatch*

also my bta is not the natural host of Amphiprion ocellaris but they moved in :P soo time is the best way to go.

good luck

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I see I see. Hmm... so maybe i should give them somemore time.

(maybe another week or 2.)

Hehe.. scaring? maybe add a lionfish in! (hehehe :) joking)

I have another question, I feed my anemone everynite with a small piece of prawn meat. But after eating it, sometimes i notice the anemone spits the prawn meat out and it is on it. I have to remove

it the next dae. Is that common. (this only happens once a while)

Thank you. :)

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  lazybones said:
I see I see. Hmm... so maybe i should give them somemore time.

(maybe another week or 2.)

Hehe.. scaring? maybe add a lionfish in! (hehehe :) joking)

I have another question, I feed my anemone everynite with a small piece of prawn meat. But after eating it, sometimes i notice the anemone spits the prawn meat out and it is on it. I have to remove

it the next dae. Is that common. (this only happens once a while)

Thank you. :)

I think you are spoiling your anemonies...

and he becamse choosy about the food :lol:

IMHO, don't need to feed so much so often one lar...

maybe thats why the anemonies don't want your clown... :lol:

hope it host your clown soon, then you can watch the clown fetched food for its host...

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  Guinness said:

:unsure: I have not seen my clowns fetch ANYTHING for their anemone. Steal from the anemone, have lah..... :pirate:

mine does, until I remove the anemonies as it grow too big and move too much stinging everything in its way....the poor clown still have the habit of biting a chunk and hide it in his hole only to realise that its most of the time stolen by other fishes or the cleaner shrimp,.. but that never stop him... guess old habit is hard to kick :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just moved my perculia clown and pink bubble tip into a breeding box last nite hoping that the anemone would host the fish. :)

Got a shock this morning!!! My clown had all these white patches all over his body! (like stung... tot he was dying!!! :( )

Immediately released both back into the tank.

My 'nemo' is ok liao...(just checked.) happily swimming all over

and eating... but then not goin near the anemone. :D

Just a warning to anyone else wanting to try... think dun... feel

so heartache for the fish this morning.. regreted my action. :P

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  • SRC Member

Give teh fishes some time to get use to the PTA.

Mine only go into it after abt 2-3weeks. ;)

My Tank

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its not cos initially was ok... then put liao next day the whole body

white patches.. but after i remove last nite my 'nemo' ok liao.

the body back to normal again.(clear) :)

wah! 2-3 weeks... mine more than 1month liao! heheh :)

I think i "sun ci zi ran" already... let nature takes its course... :)

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