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lobophyllia recently not open


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  • SRC Member

hi guys, for pass 2 days my orange lobo not opening nicely and i don't understand why

the only reason i can think of is the hammer 5cm away maybe stinging it cos i did see some long tentacles stretching till 3cm away from my lobo when lights are on

anyway, that's jus my assumption

are there any other reasons for it not opening?

water parameters


Mg:920ppm(still boosting up)



also when i picked it up to check for tissue recession, i was suprised to find 4 places receeding, but hasn't exposed skeleton within

one thing i noticed is the recession occurs at the bottom at areas where the lobo rests on the liverock(i rest the lobo on liverock instead of epoxy its stem)

question:could it be possible that the recession is caused by those areas resting on the liverock for prolonged periods?


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  • SRC Member
no3 last time i measured was 20ppm

no3 will cause the coral to close?

In my experience, 20ppm for NO3 is no big deal. My old tank's NO3 is always around 50ppm (Salifert) and all my LPS & softies are blooming nicely. So I don't think your NO3 is the cause.

I think it's more likely due to stress or irritation from nearby incompatible corals.

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no3 last time i measured was 20ppm

no3 will cause the coral to close?

Last time was when bro??

I had an experience once whereby I got over-confident and stopped measuring my no3 after it has maintained at 5-10ppm... By the time I noticed something was amissed, it was 100ppm... Lost a few precious corals...

Better safe than sorry! :P

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Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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