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Aquaz Epozy Fix™, A Great Putty for Scaping


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  woonming said:
Thanks DeepBlue & vagabond we are working out details if we could get colors :evil: dye on the epoxy :P

colour dye....??? reef safe hor... :lol:

I dun want to see purple skimmate :D;)

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  iantoh said:
hi everyone, id recommend loctite super glue gel if anyone is looking for an alternative to epoxy. it is entirely reefsafe, being based on cyanoacrylate, and its less bulky to use. diatoms and algaes readily grow over it, and its way cheaper too.



I think epoxy and superglue (gel or not) are used in different ways..

eg. u try to super glue a huge frag on a vertical surface is impossible... but epoxy might enable you to do so..

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hi ervine. i thought the use of epoxy was conceived because superglues, prior to the advent of cyanoacrylate esther glues, were not reef safe. as it is, epoxy isnt entirely reef safe- there are warning disclaimers even for human handlers. if you wish to attach something vertically with super glue gel, youre supposed to add a large blob to the piece you are gonna attach, as well as the actual place youre attaching to (you can just add some to your finger then push it onto the location). thereafter, youre supposed to bring two of the glued ends together and twist them (circular motion downwards) till the consistency is firmer then hold in place for a min or two.

not to disagree with epoxy users- just my suggestion as its worked brilliantly for me in many instances, and my fragged xenias grow over the glued bits, testifying to their reef-safe-ness in my experience.



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I use both products for my aquascaping.

I uses epoxy for some of my needs and super glue gel as well. sometimes, bigger colonies of acros will require epoxies more than superglue gel....even rocks of ricordeas or softies.

Frankly, the thread started by me was just meant to feedback about the pdt I was using. Maybe we can start a new thread on best and cheap super glue gel in the market and feedback about their performance. ;)

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Well, can I then use super glue gel to hold the frag in place first and then epoxy over the base? :thanks:

48x30x27' Tank. Beckett Skimmer. Deltec PF600s. RM FR Pro. DE 250Wx2. DE T5 39Wx4. Tunze 7095+6000x2. Sequence DART pumps x2 (1 return+1chiller)

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I see...Thanks Woonming...and how about sps like acros..or particularly, acro colonies which are bigger than frags? Would it help to superglue first to create an instant bond then epoxy over to fill in the base?


48x30x27' Tank. Beckett Skimmer. Deltec PF600s. RM FR Pro. DE 250Wx2. DE T5 39Wx4. Tunze 7095+6000x2. Sequence DART pumps x2 (1 return+1chiller)

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  daimy068 said:
I see...Thanks Woonming...and how about sps like acros..or particularly, acro colonies which are bigger than frags? Would it help to superglue first to create an instant bond then epoxy over to fill in the base?


daimy068 you could use super glue gel to hold any corals frags you have but should super glue gel not able to hold it due to the size or weight of the coral you could try using Epoxy.

Or if you need to secure your corals inside the tank water and not able to take it out, you could use Epoxy. As if you use super glue it would harden upon contact with water.

Hope it helps and sorry for the late reply. You could write in for any enquire to Aquaz.

Ming :rolleyes:

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