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hi bros

how to collect all these angels?

please advise ...

i have golden (reserved for bro), argi (reserved for bro), 2x yellow tail, majestic (non- pygmy), coral beauty, bi-color (damn hard fish to keep), lemonpeel hybrid, venustus (just died), half blue, blue-lip (still at ah beng's place), flame and regal (non-pygmy).

wish list:

multi-color, flameback (B), flameback (a), midnight, rusty, potter, fishy, heraldi, shepardi, half-black, eibli, keyhole and lemonpeel.



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Excellent thread, I just read it all.

I was wondering, you guys were mentioning Resplendens in something like S$1000.00.

do ya have Resplendens in S'pore for sale?

Wild caught?

Captive bred?

Most of them are captive bred froma japanese farm.... Eh lfs will bring in upon request

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That's what I thought, Mr.Baensch.

Anyway, I thought maybe the Japanese had something of their own now as well.

RCT are exporting worldwise, but have very limited stocks and their policy is to have one distributer per region.

That might be possible....sometimes DA has info that few of us have :D However, at the prices of everything in Japan, I doubt they could sell any of their dwarfs outside of Japan! :lol::lol:

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The Japanese farm is own or co-own with RCT or distributor of RCT. I don't know which is which. Anyway, confirm they are linked. Me and DA had send them an email before regarding Interruptus and Resplendens. Interruptus is going for $7++ and Respendens is going for US$8++. Price excluding shipping.

And yes, they don't export out of Japan.




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The Japanese farm is own or co-own with RCT or distributor of RCT. I don't know which is which. Anyway, confirm they are linked. Me and DA had send them an email before regarding Interruptus and Resplendens. Interruptus is going for $7++ and Respendens is going for US$8++. Price excluding shipping.

And yes, they don't export out of Japan.

Oh....in that case, they are the distributors - see RCT's website - they list 2 japanese distributors..

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Wadeva the case.. resplendent is still not cheap.... And that $1500 is quoted to me by a lf owner.... And yesy i have been going ard asking the price of resplendent :lol::lol: hopinng to get one at $150 :lol::lol: (yes yes i am dreaming)

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For that price ya need few more farms to be succesful in breeding them and in big qttys, when there's be competition, the prices will fall.

It will happen evantually, but we are talking years.

Yup.. nvm i still young.... I can wait :lol::lol:

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