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Thinking of getting a new skimmer

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bro some of my seniors reefers friends are using weipro skimmer for their full sps tank...........

dun comdemn weipro skimmer like tat leh....................... :D:D:D

Hmm those reefer with weipro is becos they practice very good husbandary skill.... they make effort to change water regularly... They also dun stock unnecessarily....

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You can use your current tank provided your tank maker is willing to help you silicon additional pieces of glass to form partition for the sump. If not, less than $60 you can get one done liao. ;)

Both skimmer should be able to handle. :D However, i preference is still to the Remora due to the reputation plus the re-sale value. :D

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Hi all, sorry to stir up such a commotion.

MAybe all brands have their pros and cons.

Im sorry if i caused any unrest:(

As for me, HNS or beckett is way outta my budget.

Am thinking of either a big macro or the AQUA C remora.

am thinking of a 3(length) x1.5 (breadth) x 3 (height) custom tank in the next 6mths to a year.

So if im going to upgrade that, can i use my current 2 feet tank for the sump and use the $200 worth skimmer ?

sorry if some of my questions might sound dumb...im just trying to learn



with 200 u can get the BIGGEST macro skimmer needlewheel in the market but only at one place

u can pm me if u wana noe where.

the skimmer is rated for 1500L tank so its will surely clean yr tank until there's nothing lefT!

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with 200 u can get the BIGGEST macro skimmer needlewheel in the market but only at one place

u can pm me if u wana noe where.

the skimmer is rated for 1500L tank so its will surely clean yr tank until there's nothing lefT!

Really doubt so lah.. china brand skimmer always overated one.... Hmm any expreience when the cheap china needle wheel pump change to aquabee needlewheel

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I have first hand exprience too. But anyway, we are here to provide different views so that Yiling will be able to make the correct decision.

As i have mentioned earlier [certain features in the more reputable skimmers can not be copied one] one such example is the spray injector of the Aqua C. ;)

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Really doubt so lah.. china brand skimmer always overated one.... Hmm any expreience when the cheap china needle wheel pump change to aquabee needlewheel

did test runs with Macro 350p but swop the pump with Rio2800.....bubbles are definately more intense and dense....as for preformance....never know because it was only a test run before selling it away...... :P heard some bro out there alway using different pump and achiving good results....

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agreed....not just skimmer, pumps area also overated...

however, if u can get the remora...do get it...its a good skimmer...definately better then the macro...and if macro indeed can skim until nothing is left...then deltec and becketts all have to step aside.... ;);)

just my 2 cents :peace::peace:


i was kinda trying to bring e pt that if he gets that he can relax and not really worry bout his 2 footer cos its super over kill

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yea, thanks guys for the help..!!

things would be so much easier if the remora is cheaper :(

but in that case...can 2 macro out skim one remora ?

since the price is almost like 2 to 1...

So if i really decided to buy a macro now first....

i can still buy the remora later...to use both in my future sump right ?

just a skimmer is like so much harder to buy then LS heheh

thanks all !!

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yea, thanks guys for the help..!!

things would be so much easier if the remora is cheaper :(

but in that case...can 2 macro out skim one remora ?

since the price is almost like 2 to 1...

So if i really decided to buy a macro now first....

i can still buy the remora later...to use both in my future sump right ?

just a skimmer is like so much harder to buy then LS heheh

thanks all !!

Actually the idea of having 2 skimmer is now being tried out by some brothers here, I have previously tried it a couple of times and realized that this will also shows flaws in certain skimmer commonly rated as good. ;)

Coming back to the macro, I am not sure about its quality cuz I have not used it before. But the strange things is that you can find lots of them selling in the Pasar Malam - why? If it is so good why sell to upgrade to another more expensive skimmer? If it can operate well with just a change of pump why didn't these brothers change the pump? :unsure:

I personally know one who have recently upgrade to a $800+ skimmer and selling off the macro and he only owns a 4ft FOWLR, why? ;)

The jury is out there....... :peace:

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gouldian...many people selling cos all these people when setting up...the sand and tank and pump suck up all their money so they dun haf enough to buy a gd gd gd one that costs 800++

so the best and cheapest option is macro

now got money ler wanna buy 800++ skimmer so selling macro lor!

so its kinda like a starters skimmer :)

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OIC. So you mean it is a entry level skimmer??? And after we progress in our hobby, we will have to save up for another skimmer???

That's not very effective isn't it??? ;)

Anyway, its up to the individual lah. we can discuss until the cow comes home we will still not be able to come out with a conclusion cause none of us have the equipments, labs or even authorithy to conclude which skimmer is good and which skimmer is bad. ;)

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Moo Moo Moooooo.... the cow came home...haha

Thank for all the advice.. still cannot decide aqua C , macro 200 ...haiz...

If i buy the aqua C , the real yiling will start to nag and nag ...

How about venturi?

Any feedback on it?

Venturi for a smal set-up, my personal favorite is AquaMedic BioFlotor. Super efficient in terms of performance vs electrical consumption. ;)

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
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If you keep upgrading the real yilin will nag even more


"one needle see blood" - chinese proverbs

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
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wa...more and more choices....

im very blur now...

just called eaquanature...they can order for me if i want...

the aqua C remora at $300 !!

Now really in a diliemma...sianz.

correct me if i'm wrong but doesn't remora need a sump to put it in?

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ust called eaquanature...they can order for me if i want...

Did you find out from them if this price inclludes the pump? BTW, the Remora does not need a sump. It can be hanged on the tank glass if I did not see wrongly from the web pics. This will be ny next skimmer to upgrade to, Currently using Weipro 2012. :upsidedown:

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Did you find out from them if this price inclludes the pump? BTW, the Remora does not need a sump. It can be hanged on the tank glass if I did not see wrongly from the web pics. This will be ny next skimmer to upgrade to, Currently using Weipro 2012. :upsidedown:

no pump incl.....

with pump is 380 ....haiz...

kk i better keep focus and get the macro 150...

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