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Why only men in our marine hobby?


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  • SRC Member

ever wondered? it cant be tat only we, men like the colors and beauty of reefs/fishes..... i am sure the gals do as well.

Many reasons may abound but i have narrowed it down......i guess it must be the gals dun wana spend time and effort on keeping a tank, ie lazy? but heck they like to keep other pets like dogs, cats...... which may require some effort too.....! :blink:<_< so, wat gives?

My next theory...... they prefer 2 spend the time making themselves pretty instead of making a fish tank look pretty. Wats the good if u have a nice SPS tank but u look like crap? :ph34r::heh::lol:

just a fun post. no offence intended! :peace:

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  • SRC Member

no leh........

there are girls too.........

but still majority are men lor................... :D

but the problem i found personality regarding girls towards their tank is.................

they like to look at marine tank.........really enjoy it..............

but after some time when tell them......."dear i brought another equipment and some corals liao..............."

or " dear i am meeting my friend to discuss on some fish tank issue............."

see what will they react.............haha indeed they will gramble or give u those type of long long angry face despite tat they always like to look into the tank :blink:

jus wondering whether do gals reefer also face the same problem as me towards theirs boys anot............. :angel: .

no offence towards girls but jus to hear some views only :D

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  • SRC Member
hey like to look at marine tank.........really enjoy it..............

bro, I must say really agree with this point. The same goes for my wife and now even my 19 month-old princess! :D

Guess we are just sharing some experiences and not gossiping! No offence to the gals in SRC! :eyebrow:

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I absolutely agree that it's a good topic as I have wondered why is it that they like viewing tanks and even telling what to buy at times but want to be spared the details. Most gals are however are uninterested...sad but true. Guess the guys keeping fishes have to look out for gfs who are fish-phillic and not fish-phobic otherwise life's gonna be hell haha. In my case my gf is undergoing a fish lover conversion course although at times things do backfire.

Thanks and Regards


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  • SRC Member

From a psychological point of view.... why most men prefer fish tanks than women... This is my deduction...

A tank is essentially a close-up system... in another words, You determine the living condition, you determine the feeding, when to feed and how much... You can leave it in total neglect and watch the fishes die... one by one...

They are all at your mercy...

So.... fish keeping gives men a sense of "playing God".... and ego fulfilment...


Women? RAV-65 got it right.... they juz disagree with anything that take away their attention....

I was busy with setting up a lego castle for our house over the past two days but hey.... even though it is for OUR house... she felt ignored.... :lol::D

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  • SRC Member

eh....from the wae my mother reacts...i believe its cos its simply too messy and time consuming

buy a lifestock u needa take alot of time to acclimatise, u need alot of time to wash wool, test yr water parameters.

i guess for gals, all these = no time to wash clothes, mop floor, watch favourite HK serial, talk ###### on phone etc etc.

money they prefer to use to buy perfume and make up and not corals!

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  • SRC Member
eh....from the wae my mother reacts...i believe its cos its simply too messy and time consuming

buy a lifestock u needa take alot of time to acclimatise, u need alot of time to wash wool, test yr water parameters.

i guess for gals, all these = no time to wash clothes, mop floor, watch favourite HK serial, talk ###### on phone etc etc.

money they prefer to use to buy perfume and make up and not corals!

I agree.... was "discussing" with my wife about live rock....

She was shocked that 100kg of rocks can cost more than $500...

And my reply was.... yeah and that small "rock" on your finger cost more than x3 of that....


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I agree.... was "discussing" with my wife about live rock....

She was shocked that 100kg of rocks can cost more than $500...

And my reply was.... yeah and that small "rock" on your finger cost more than x3 of that....


Good one Seamonkee, I will remember to quite that when me am my wife have the same discussion! ;)

Btw, for me, my wife goes around looking at fishes in LFS or even fellow reefers place and when she spots one that she likes - I am in trouble liao.

That's why I have an AT in my tank now, we went to Roidan's place and she had a crush on the AT and ......... we all know the kind of troubles I went to to ensure in maintain an AT for her to see. :P

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  • SRC Member
Btw, for me, my wife goes around looking at fishes in LFS or even fellow reefers place and when she spots one that she likes - I am in trouble liao.

That is the same for my wife too! She keeps asking why we cannot buy the big fishes(tangs, butterfly, angel etc) when we visit the LFS. Also, wants me to keep turtles in the tank! Aiyoh, sometimes must explain so many times. Having said that, she is still really supportive (or tolerative) of my hobby though. Gave me quite a few ideas as well!

Now she enjoys looking at the tank during dinner. That is good! :D

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  • SRC Member

Good one Seamonkee, I will remember to quite that when me am my wife have the same discussion! ;)

Btw, for me, my wife goes around looking at fishes in LFS or even fellow reefers place and when she spots one that she likes - I am in trouble liao.

That's why I have an AT in my tank now, we went to Roidan's place and she had a crush on the AT and ......... we all know the kind of troubles I went to to ensure in maintain an AT for her to see. :P

Believe it or not.... I was at Terryansimon's place with my wife to pick up the sales stuff....

She saw the Achilles Tang and insist it is a must-hv in the new tank....


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Seems like the women tend to have a thing for ATs.... no wonder someone choose this nick! :P

Anyway, mine only approves of boxfishes, a relatively cheap but cute fish at about $8?! No prob, I say, but den, any other livestock that costs more becomes too expensive! :blink:

As for the ration that DA was talking about, in SRC, it's more like 4:3000?! :P

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That's why I have an AT in my tank now, we went to Roidan's place and she had a crush on the AT and ......... we all know the kind of troubles I went to to ensure in maintain an AT for her to see. :P


sorry to put you through so much trouble bro..

if only your wife missed out this fish when you two were here :P:paiseh:

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  • SRC Member

sometimes woman r realli troublesome...

for eg my mother, she always complains abt the floor being sticky becos of the saltwater n stuffs like that... but after 2+ yrs now, when she saw how my corals flourish, she was like saying next time we move house must setup a 5 ft tank n things like that :lol:

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sorry to put you through so much trouble bro..

if only your wife missed out this fish when you two were here :P:paiseh:

No worries mate! Without the AT, I may still be dabbling with Clowns and such. With the AT, I have grown and learn lots of stuffs I have previously taken for grunted.

With the AT, I have also made lots of friends who wants to know how I have done it. And also lots of friends like you and Weileong to know how I could have done it better!

Come to think about it I should thank your AT for it, maybe one day I should Tar Pao some Ocean Nutrition Pellets for it. ;):lol:

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
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