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hi bro muar_chee

what i have showed you is only a sample. not my tank. i dont have that money to fully setup one like that.

but the basic look and feel is correct. BUT no lights, no corals, no protein skimmer, only 30 kgs LR, what you see in the pic is 40 kg LR, fully setup skimmer with corals and MH lights.

i have ordered the lights coming after the chinese new year.

might be getting a sanders skimmer, still thinking hard ....

it seems to me, the tank although slightly stinky is fully "cycled". i have no more LS deaths. every one of my prawns have changed skins.

only the flame angel is not feeding.

looks like i got a dumb flame angel because it just stucked between some silly rocks and i have to rescue it from misery.

hi bro eric

i will watch my temperature during transport. maybe the trip back is stressful (temperature-wise).

there are quite a number of LFS that packed LS together. just today i cheong again, this LFS also packed the firefish and jawfish together. so looks like it is a common practice. or maybe i got my stuff real cheap, so LFS dont need to provide raffles class service, just basic economy class will do.


newbie lizard

Hi Lizard44, I am just wondering:

1) How can you determine when a tank is fully cycled?

2) What makes you think that your Flame is "Stupid", do you think that there is a possibilty that it might be telling you something?

3) What do you think is the cause of the stinking smell? Do you think it is normal?

4) Is it possible for you to show us an actual picture of your tank rather than I guessing?

Hope you could answer the above questions. Thank you. ;)

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
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i feel tat is not a problem of Raffles class or basic economy class..the LFS themselves must have the responsibility to know wat they should do... selling u cheap but dont have the proper way to pack the fishes (or they dont even know how to take care of their own fishes) will only cause the fishes u bought to injure or die.. :( just point out to the LFS tat they should pack the fishes separately if u meet this type of problem again...

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thanks bro RAV

you are quite right. my PH reading is 8.8. i guess the cycle is still in progress. sign of NH3. sigh ... i don't have NH3 or NO2 test kits to confirm.

thanks bro wayne

i will try to ask them to repack the next time. but it is kind of hard, as they sold me cleaner wrasse at $2, cleaner shrimps at $5, firefish at $4, coral beauty at $6, boxer shrimp at $5 and so on :whistle: i never get such reasonable prices else where. :angel:

hi bro Gouldian

1) How can you determine when a tank is fully cycled?

i noticed my LS no longer dies. in fact, i have zero mortality for old LS so far, except for a jawfish, just bought yesterday (another story, i will up-speed later). my water is green in color (i have no skimmer and lights). so i believe some phyto-planktons are in town. on closer inspection, there are numerous white dots moving around the tank (pump stopped). my flame angel has not fed but its fins have recovered and stomach no longer flat. but, i don't know what it makan. all my red algae were gone, now replaced with green hariy ones. the glass looks super clean and "grapes" caleupa is growing again. my hairy caleupa is growing like mad, it has now colonised a large part of the sand even. all my prawns, hermit crabs anf harlequin have changed skins. all my damsels are feeding like pigs. so in conclusion, i think the tank is more or less cycled.

2) What makes you think that your Flame is "Stupid", do you think that there is a possibilty that it might be telling you something?

maybe you are right. the flame angel now swims all over and doesnt hide anymore. so the stucking is due to stress. thanks.

3) What do you think is the cause of the stinking smell? Do you think it is normal?

it is quite normal whenever a LS dies. so i guess the cycle continues on and off.

4) Is it possible for you to show us an actual picture of your tank rather than I guessing?

i will try. just got a digicam, testing out its pictures. upz :phone:


newbie lizard

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1) How can you determine when a tank is fully cycled?

i noticed my LS no longer dies. in fact, i have zero mortality for old LS so far, except for a jawfish, just bought yesterday (another story, i will up-speed later). my water is green in color (i have no skimmer and lights). so i believe some phyto-planktons are in town. on closer inspection, there are numerous white dots moving around the tank (pump stopped). my flame angel has not fed but its fins have recovered and stomach no longer flat. but, i don't know what it makan. all my red algae were gone, now replaced with green hariy ones. the glass looks super clean and "grapes" caleupa is growing again. my hairy caleupa is growing like mad, it has now colonised a large part of the sand even. all my prawns, hermit crabs anf harlequin have changed skins. all my damsels are feeding like pigs. so in conclusion, i think the tank is more or less cycled.

Dear Brother Lizard44, do you know that you are very far far far from truth when you said that if your LS doesn't dies it means your tank is cycled? Your tank can only consider 'cycled ' after you have tested '0' in Nitrite and Amonia consecutively for a few days. By the way do you have test kits to begin with? If you have tested your water, you will know the kind of trouble and stress you have put your LS in by now!!!!!! :angry:

Green water is for Koi tank - not for marine tank. If you have watch documentary on the ocean where there are reef fishes, you will realized that they are consist of super clear water that provide you visibility of more than 50m! With your green water the closest environment you have simulated is the coastal waters - have you ever seen Flame Angel or any other reef fishes except Damsels in this kind of water??? So what are you trying to do to your fishes now???? :cry:

2) What makes you think that your Flame is "Stupid", do you think that there is a possibilty that it might be telling you something?

maybe you are right. the flame angel now swims all over and doesnt hide anymore. so the stucking is due to stress. thanks. You still think that you are doing the right thing?????? <_<

3) What do you think is the cause of the stinking smell? Do you think it is normal?

it is quite normal whenever a LS dies. so i guess the cycle continues on and off.

For you info, it is "Not Normal" for you to experience foul smell!

4) Is it possible for you to show us an actual picture of your tank rather than I guessing?

i will try. just got a digicam, testing out its pictures. upz

Please do it ASAP!!!! :(

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
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Australian Institute of Marine Science


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althou gou here might sound abit hush....

but always remember....


Maybe we just expecting every newbie to be somewhat more resposible by at least reading up first... before embarking on a new tank....

PM me where u live... if nearby... prob i go over give tips and advice.. and evaluate yr tank...

*translated from Hokkien*

"If say no bang wall, this idiot will never ripen" - Mr Quah Siew Kow.

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althou gou here might sound abit hush....

but always remember....


Maybe we just expecting every newbie to be somewhat more resposible by at least reading up first... before embarking on a new tank....

PM me where u live... if nearby... prob i go over give tips and advice.. and evaluate yr tank...

Thanks Muar Chee. Hope you could assist him in sorting things out. ;)

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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Though it's 4 feet and all ur LS are pretty small in size, it's still too much of a load IMHO... :)

errr.....no doutb his Bio-load is small, but i wouldn't encourage him to buy some more fishes.....remember the last time his damels up lorry is just 2 weeks ago and he still have a stinking smell....

bro lizard....if you need help you can also PM us for advise....me no expert, but i'm sure i can help you cut down on your causaltiy.....

I also suggest you read up more on the fishes before buying them.....mandrain on 30kg of live rock on a new system is definately a no no....should wait at least 6 months to a year when you have enough pobs before adding a mandrian....

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went cheonging LFS today. i didn't realise that i have become the talk of the marine town. judging from the serious responses i have here, i didn't dare to own up who i am, and go for a chit-a-chat, in case kanna wack upside down. one can never be too unsafe.

i have been hit by the curse of the new reefer today.

i went to this LFS. imagine they charged GST for LS and can pay by NETS. wow ... never knew reefing can be so serious an income-earner.

i thought my 4x 0.25 inch clowns were cutest. i was damn wrong. when i saw these 4x 0.5 inch PBT (Dory), i could resist the buying urge man. Must buy them all up. but, lady from LFS refused to sell the last one because not very healthy. so i ended up with only 3 PBTs.

after the buying impulse subsided, i realised my tank may not be ready for these 3 little fellas.

so i cheong again, dug up my savings and bought a macro as350 skimmer, hopefully i can manage to provide these new and old LS a safer environment.

i have been grateful to bro muar chee, tineng and all who have helped me to understand reefing better. a big thank-you.

i stay in the central, bt batok area. hp: 90576740

as i am really not sure how to keep PBTs, i would like to offer 1x PBT to one of bros here ($10.50, hahahahahahahaha you also need to pay me back GST)

if i really cannot keep these little fellas, then i may have to let go another one, leaving one PBT for me-self.

better pm or sms me soon. otherwise the PBTs got to taste my graveyard.

hope i didn't disturb the peace of this fine neighbourhood.


newbie lizard

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after reading your thread....

Advises have been offered to you in abundance.

You continue to ignore them and carry on your way.

You dun bother to read up,

check your water parameters,

cycle your tank properly,

and yet you stock up fishes like nobody's business,

ignore the advises you get here,

i think you committed wat the worst reefer will do.

i PRAY HARD that your fishes will survive.


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Pls pls can you stop adding fishes..... letting them taste your graveyard is very cruel..... 40fishes?? you are scaring me, IMO remove all fo your fish at once... start your tank PROPERLY...... recycle again, get proper test kit and pls pls stop adding fish.... you dunno how much harm you are bringing to the fishes.... We remove somthing from mother nature, and we should provide the best care for it and not dump it in a poorly setup tank..... Sell away all your fish or put them up for adoption.... Do you know damel are tough little creature and they will survive almost any tank condition and thus seldom death of your livestock doesn't mean your tank is good enough.... Ad you notice i say the word surviving and not living happily or thriving....

Also this hobby does not come cheap.. if you want everything to do well, be nice and get good comment from everyone be prepare to have a deep pocket.. If you want to save on everything and anything... i suggest better dun start the tank better.....

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sigh.....from my understanding PBT is powder blue tang....its not Dory....Dory is a blue tang......but if you really brought a PBT i suggest you past them on to someone else or return them to the shop...these are not easy to keep and espically 3 at one go....you are asking for trouble - even very very experinece reefers here would not dare keep a school of PBT.....if it is Dory (blue tang) you might still have a slim chance....buy NH4, No2 and No3 test kits (and get the Sailfet brand) and report back!!! we might still be able to help...of course the best option is to past them to other reefers, but i suspect you will have a hard time catching them....:P

Please Please Please....don't add anymore things into your tank!

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buy more damsels!

a tank with 50 damsels chasing and whacking each other is cool to watch.

maybe you might wanna get 10 to 20 anthias? they make nice schooling fishes!

or the golden trevally? one pc only $5...can get like 5 to 10?


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diabolus...can see that u r super dooper pissed

chill bro

to lizard44, i hope u realise how much u've upset not jus diabolus and me, but also lao jiaos like gouldian, tineng and dispar

i hope u realise the disappointment comes not from jus the fact that u IGNORED advice, because it also stems from the fact that u do not respect life -_--_-

one comment from me: u keep clam with no lights?...u keep so many things with no skimmer?...your screws loose? :look:

one advice from me: u dun remove yr fishes now and restart cycling yr tank properly, u'll jus have ich will come to haunt u AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN even if its 3-4mths down the road :mellow:

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i'm not upset....i'm just amazed that there are ppl like this in the forum?

now just waiting in anticipation for this post of his...

"HELP!all the fishes in my tank died!"


I think he already knew what he is doing thus from the very beginning he has named this thread "Graveyard"!


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