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Power Blue And Yellow Tang

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  • SRC Member

I only have a Power Blue and Yellow Tang in my Reef tank since last week and they each were happily living side by side. :)

Today, my hand itching and I got 2 small clown fish to add into my 3 feet tank and a few hours later, I notice that the Power Blue was very territorial and chase away my Yellow Tang. <_<

The other 2 small clown were not even bother at all and were not occupying any spaces that the Yellow and PB Tang used to stay.

What should I do ? :cry:

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I only have a Power Blue and Yellow Tang in my Reef tank since last week and they each were happily living side by side. :)

Today, my hand itching and I got 2 small clown fish to add into my 3 feet tank and a few hours later, I notice that the Power Blue was very territorial and chase away my Yellow Tang. <_<

The other 2 small clown were not even bother at all and were not occupying any spaces that the Yellow and PB Tang used to stay.

What should I do ? :cry:

Powder blue are known to be a very fierce tang... IMo there is nothign much you can do

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  • SRC Member

How about putting it in a floatable container for a couple of hours?

1) I did the same thing with my tomato clown when I introduced a percula clown an hour or so.

2) You may also rearrange some of your rocks formation so that it will serve as a distraction and also deceive them into thinking that they are in new habitat. Thus this will allow them to explore instead of concentrating on each other.

3) You may also put in some food if introducing new fish so as to distract them.

Hope this helps... :rolleyes:

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  • SRC Member
2) You may also rearrange some of your rocks formation so that it will serve as a distraction and also deceive them into thinking that they are in new habitat. Thus this will allow them to explore instead of concentrating on each other.

ya.. read this from somewhere to.... with success..

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  • SRC Member
No not really advisable, as reaaranging of rock work will stress your fish alot........ especially the tangs... And once powder blue tang is stress, ich will come too..........

oops...apologies...it has worked for me before so I thought...

I did that when I introduce a pint-sized blue tang with a palm-sized yellow tang and 4-inch blue tang four months ago. The baby has grown almost double the size liao.

I guess One's apple may be another's poison then... :P

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  • SRC Member

Hi all,

thnks for the advice.

So far, the two tangs are using their backside to put each other and no nibbling so far.

Maybe, I will monitor the situation and if need be move 1 LR rocks away.

Sigh!!!! This YT has been with the tank for a year and is the most peace-loving of all.

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  • SRC Member

When you added the Clowns, you disrupted the hierachy and pecking order of the current inhabitants in the tank... thats probably why they grew intolerant of each other :)

Using their backside? Thats err... far worse than nibbling...

Large Tangs can literally shred their enemies using the 'scalpal' like device at the caudal peduncle (is that right?)...

I agree with Dispar, I did some rockwork arrangement last night and there was lots and lots of detritus in the water. This morning, my Regal Tang had white spots after being free from ich for many months. :(

But seriously, if your PBT has not gotten ich and is still feeding well despite the aggression, i think it should be fine. But in the event that it is showing signs of stress, i think you will need to remove one or the other.

Another possible solution is to add LR to your system. Provide more shelter for them i guess...


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  • SRC Member

Nothing is better than having a stress free environment, ie good water parameters, in fact perfect water parameters and no aggression within the tanks.

UV sterilizers only come into the picture as a last resort and in fact is not commonly used. UV sterilizers kill off all planktonic life, not just ICH in the free swimming stage :)

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Reminds me of the time whereby my Eibl's dwarf angel (cant remember spelling) lived harmoniously with my fire goby. After the addition of the yellow tang, the dwarf angel started bullying my fire goby until it went hiding most of the time.

Oh well...at least the dwarf angel died of whitespot that spread from my yellow tang. My yellow tang survived the ich outbreak though. Now my firefish is happily swimming out in the open again...with a very very unique looking dorsal fin. The top actually looks like a 'Nike' swoosh. LOLx...Victory! :rolleyes::D

Always something more important than fish.


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