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Griessingeri Goby Thread;

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I have tried feeding freshly hatched brine shrimps to my gressi.

Can't really tell if it is eating the bs or pods as it always hiding in the lr.

I manage to get some nice pieces of lr today and will be rescaping my tank. Hopeful i will be able to observe it better n confirm on its feeding habits :ooh:

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  • SRC Member
kareen....i dont understand why u support BBS so much....but for your info...brine shrimps are not from the sea....in the sea...u can never find such things as brine shrimps....these brine shrimps are from a lake which has very high salinity...which lake leh....i forgot...so no matter what, the gress might not take it as it is no way near their natural diet

Yes, I know brine shrimps don't come from the sea..... but if there is not enough pods for gressi., isn't baby brine shrimps an alternative?

1) Baby brine shrimps with egg sac offer better nutritious

2) baby brine shrimps are BIGGER therefore offer a better filling stomach for the fish

3) Hatching baby brine shrimps is only 24 to 48 hours of bubbling, therefore it is easy to have a constant supply.

4) U rather the fish starve than feeding him brine shrimps, huh? :huh:

PS : no matter which strain of rotifers also does NOT comes from sea if I am not wrong....... ;)

:lol::lol::lol::lol: **Dong dong qian, dong don qian......CNY mood** :lol::lol::lol:

:) Greeting :)

Tank: 4' by 2' by 2' (CR antique)

Sump: 3' include 1' refuigm

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  • SRC Member

I have tried feeding freshly hatched brine shrimps to my gressi.

Can't really tell if it is eating the bs or pods as it always hiding in the lr.

I manage to get some nice pieces of lr today and will be rescaping my tank. Hopeful i will be able to observe it better n confirm on its feeding habits 

jus make sure u don't throw in the empty shells also...... I am sure gressi. will eat baby brine shrimp also if he is eating rotifers as report by reefers.....

:) Greeting :)

Tank: 4' by 2' by 2' (CR antique)

Sump: 3' include 1' refuigm

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Yes, I know brine shrimps don't come from the sea..... but if there is not enough pods for gressi., isn't baby brine shrimps an alternative?

1) Baby brine shrimps with egg sac offer better nutritious

2) baby brine shrimps are BIGGER therefore offer a better filling stomach for the fish

3) Hatching baby brine shrimps is only 24 to 48 hours of bubbling, therefore it is easy to have a constant supply.

4) U rather the fish starve than feeding him brine shrimps, huh? :huh:

PS : no matter which strain of rotifers also does NOT comes from sea if I am not wrong....... ;)

:lol::lol::lol::lol: **Dong dong qian, dong don qian......CNY mood** :lol::lol::lol:

So may I know how many gressingeri you have kept so far????? ;) Have you witness breeding activity after feeding BBS?

Seems like you know better than those gress owners? Maybe you are one of the few gress owners that have kept gress even before ML! :D

Like to learn from you leh.....

Care to share??????

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  • SRC Member
So may I know how many gressingeri you have kept so far?????  Have you witness breeding activity after feeding BBS?

Seems like you know better than those gress owners? Maybe you are one of the few gress owners that have kept gress even before ML! 

Like to learn from you leh.....

Care to share??????

Alamak.....offend somebody again..... As my first posting of this thread, I say, "offer a piece of advise" that I think might be of some use to the gressi. owners 'cos I think maybe baby brine shrimp is a better alternatives than rotifers. I did not say I have kept one...... I shall keep my mouth shut. :(

:) Greeting :)

Tank: 4' by 2' by 2' (CR antique)

Sump: 3' include 1' refuigm

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As much as I like to keep from commenting since I do not own a D. griessingeri, I am of the opinion that if any further discussions can be made with regards to the feeding of BBS, one should be providing the nutritional profile of freshly hatched Artemia salina or San Francisco nauplii versus that of an unenriched and/or enriched rotifer.

The research has already been done, you can find them by doing a general search on Internet.

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With regards to keeping a sizeable pod population to maintain the D. griessingeri, the real solution is what 35cents have done, keeping a refugium where the fauna can seek refuge from predation and keep populating.

Dosing phyto direct into the tank may not necessarily work, and you risk polluting the water even if the phyto you are using is LIVE. Keeping a nano, or for the matter, a specie-only tank is not a simple task and it takes considerable effort to understand, and provide for its environmental and feeding requirement.

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  • SRC Member
With regards to keeping a sizeable pod population to maintain the D. griessingeri, the real solution is what 35cents have done, keeping a refugium where the fauna can seek refuge from predation and keep populating.

Dosing phyto direct into the tank may not necessarily work, and you risk polluting the water even if the phyto you are using is LIVE. Keeping a nano, or for the matter, a specie-only tank is not a simple task and it takes considerable effort to understand, and provide for its environmental and feeding requirement.

Yes.....that was my assumption when I say dosing live phytoplankton daily.....

:) Greeting :)

Tank: 4' by 2' by 2' (CR antique)

Sump: 3' include 1' refuigm

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With regards to keeping a sizeable pod population to maintain the D. griessingeri, the real solution is what 35cents have done, keeping a refugium where the fauna can seek refuge from predation and keep populating.

Dosing phyto direct into the tank may not necessarily work, and you risk polluting the water even if the phyto you are using is LIVE. Keeping a nano, or for the matter, a specie-only tank is not a simple task and it takes considerable effort to understand, and provide for its environmental and feeding requirement.

Finally, we made you come out to give some balanced advises! ;)

Thanks, wish you drop by more often. :P

:thanks: to the Prince of Gobies!

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  • SRC Member

Wah...only one day no log in so many discussion.

Kareen, I understand you are being suggestive..so thanks on that part. I too lazy to havest the BSB... :P But if got I dun mind trying...though its kinda hard to observe if they eat it or not since most of the time they dwell in the LR.

Dosing live phyto had certainty helped in the copepods population... I noticed that my fuge had at least doubled in the density of pods crawling on the tank walls. But the down side is that my nitrate as of today went up by 5ppm to 10ppm. But I did trim my micro-algae a few days ago. <_<

As for rotifers, one thing I'm sure is that I'm beginning to find the griessies appearing in places that I never seen them at before. But its still in dim LR areas and not out in the open sand.

This brings me to another point: I released the smallest griessy into the main tank just now from the betta box (without sand or small LR). The first thing I noticed is that it did not dive straight into dark areas as the previous two did. Instead, it spent a few hours busking in the lights feeding. I reckon this is something to do with the time (4 days) it spent in the beta box getting used to the lights and me snooping around. So I believe that if its kept for a longer time in the betta box with regular feeding, it will be less elusive.

Some shots if it posing for me:



Oh and one last thingy...anyone wants to watch my biggest one meeting the smallest one? I like to call this "When Griessy meets Grumpy" :lol: Was surprised by the biggest griess's behaviour (also by how much it grows!)...it certainly did not get this reception from my 1st griess...but no worries, henry said they will not kill each other...most is chasing and biting fins.



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though its kinda hard to observe if they eat it or not since most of the time they dwell in the LR

If you can't tell if the BBS are being consumed, how do you tell if the even smaller rotifers are?

Point to note is that dosing LIVE or frozen must be done in a controlled fashion that it does not contribute significantly to the nutrient load in the tank. Especially in a nano when the rate of decline is faster than that of a regular sized tank.

Another is that a refugium can only export X amount of nutrient, limited by its size and growth rate of the type/s of macroalage used. It has to be stabilised too, or if and when the macroalgae crashes, there is very little tolerance due to the small water volume.

Now, since there is so much talk about using rotifers, may I know how are they fed to the tank?

- Poured from solution direct into the water, or

- Sieved out first, then fed to the water?

Are they enriched? And if so, how and what?

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Wah 35cents, after seeing your video, I think I will tear down my sump/fuge to nap my pistol so that I can be ready for my first Griess! :bow:

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  • SRC Member
If you can't tell if the BBS are being consumed, how do you tell if the even smaller rotifers are?

Now, since there is so much talk about using rotifers, may I know how are they fed to the tank?

- Poured from solution direct into the water, or

- Sieved out first, then fed to the water?

Are they enriched? And if so, how and what?

Hi Rumor,

I suck the rotifers with a syinge directly from the bottle and feed to the smallest one which is in the beta box. It flexes its pectoral fins a lot and it launches at the direction of the target area. As for the bigger ones down the main tank, I dosed into a LR hole near their cribs and I find them in the hole later on, which I had never seen them at before.

As you had posted, can I find out how to sieve the rotifers out from the culture bottle without drawing the water in the bottle? Also, its not enriched.... direct from the bottle... is it highly undesirable?


"Ah, Blackadder. Started talking to yourself, I see."

"Yes...it's the only way I can be assured of intelligent conversation."

- Melchett and Edmund Blackadder

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Bro Rumor,

I sieve my rotifers by pouring the solution over a small paper coffee filter. Don't know whether this will work. ;)

Read somewhere that they sieve them using cotton coffee bags. :D

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
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i got the same reaction from my griessy as wat bro 35cents noted.

right now, i have a small blue tub with lots of LRs and macro algae in it.

If pods are their main diet, pods they shall get!


BTW, was re-scaping my rockworks last night and guess wat i found...

my griessy living together with a fireworm!

gave me the shock of my life! the fireworm is(or shall i saw was :angel: ) the same size as the griessy.


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Hi Folks, let not go off topic further. This Griessy thread is good for shared learning . . . . . . and indulging :lol:

OK, I have posted the mantis pair in my forum.



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Presumably, the rotifers available locally are that of the 'L' strain, you can sieve rotifers using a commercial rotifer net (approx. 65 microns if I'm not wrong). They are sold at at one or two LFSs, but I understand they are out of stock as of 2 weeks ago.

While its not entirely undesirable to use the solution along with the rotifers, it may contain waste products which you may or may not want in the nano. Its always prudent to introduce just the feed and not the media itself.

I think the LIVE rotifers available at LFS these days are already enriched; presumably with the a good blend of the various strains of phytoplankton. Best you confirm that by reading the labels.


Paper coffee filters are typically used for sieving BBS.

Unless there's a way to ascertain the micron size of one here, or determine if any rotifers are sieved from the solution, I can't tell for sure.

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Cheers to Rumor for the advise and information. Can you pm me which LFS selling the rotifer nets?


"Ah, Blackadder. Started talking to yourself, I see."

"Yes...it's the only way I can be assured of intelligent conversation."

- Melchett and Edmund Blackadder

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