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Unconfirm clearance sales....


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Hi Diabolus,

got interest with the followin:


Bubbles(BIG!) - $30

Frogspawn(5 heads) - $30

Fragspawn - $15

Sun Coral - $20

Hammer(big) + hammer(white color,small) - $20 for both

3 mushrooms on rock with 3 tubeworms - $5

Zooanthus(small frags) - FOC to buyers

Pls put me to your reservation list.


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ok...here is the list....


Yellow Tang 2.5" - $25 - deepblue

Longnose Hawkfish - $15 - hamannbmw

Signal Goby - $10

Algae Blenny - $5 - djviper

Lawnmower Blenny - $5 - kokhui

Fang Blenny - $5

Chromis x 3 + false percula x 2 - $5 for all - kaykay

SL Cleaner Shrimp x 2 - $12 each - vincenttan

Camel Shrimp x 3 - $2 each - kokhui

Sally Lightfoot - $5 - strat

Black sea cuke (s) - $5

Crocea clam (3") - $15 (pls note mantle was nibbled on by fish) - oceandeep

Brittle Star - $5 - kokhui

Blue Linckia - $5 - kokhui

Dwarf Hermit(ML) x 5 or 6 - $10 for all - djviper

Tubeworm x 2 - $2 each or FOC to buyers - kokhui


Bubbles(BIG!) - $30 - lionZ

Frogspawn(5 heads) - $30 - loster

Fragspawn - $15 - kokhui

Sun Coral - $20

Fox Coral - $15 - strat

Yumas(abt 7) on rock - $15 - kokhui

Heliofungia(palm size) x 2 - $20 each

Heliofungia(big) x 1 - $20 - Benjamin

Millepora(i think) - $10 - strat

Jewel Coral - $15 - kokhui

Moon Coral - $20 - kokhui

Prata - $20 - Benjamin

Sea fan - $5

Hammer(big) + hammer(white color,small) - $20 for both - kokhui

Zooanthus(small frags) - FOC to buyers

Live Rocks (about 70kg) - $250 for whole lot - xpert1974


Viclite(internal ballast) with BLV 250w 20kk SE bulb(4 mths old)- $120

Seio M820(4 mths old) - $50 - dav12tan

Seio M820(9 mths old) - $40 - kokhui

Dymax return pump(4000l) - $30

Macro NDWL AS-250 - $100

Resun FR1000 + 400ml of Rowaphos(1 week old) - $60 - dleecool

Resun CL-650 + Ocean Free 2200LPH PH - $200 - henkee

3 ft Dymax OB T5 lights (1 tube kaput) - $20 - CMY

Eco PH Pen + PH7 distilled water - $30 - xpert1974

2x1x1 glass tank - $5 - henkee

Tank - dav12tan(pls arrange ur own transport)

4ft x 2ft x2.5ft 12 mm with Euro bracing & IOS

Metal stand

3ft sump

$150 take all

Additives & Misc

Deltec Epoxy (70%) - $12

Test Kits - Mini Labor (CA) + Salifert (CA) + Sera (KH) - $20 take all - kokhui

SeaChem(SC) reef Trace (90%) - $7

SC Strontium (90%) - $7

SC KH (80%) - $7

SC CA (80%) - $7 - Little fish

Magnesium (95%) -$7 - Little fish

SC Marine Buffer (95%) - $7 - Little fish

SC Water Clarifier (50%) - $5

SC Iodide(20%) + SC Prime(20%) + Aquapharm kalk(60%) - $5 - kokhui

Kent Marine Lugol's (new) - $20 - Little fish

Cyclopeeze(80%) + Formula 2(90%) - $20

AIM auto feeder - $10 - butteye

TheBen analog timer - $10 - Little fish

Please let me know if i have input your nick on an item you did not order.

I will PM you guys with my contact no. and my address later.

here are the Terms and Conditions again.

Terms & Conditions -

1) I reserve the rights to call off the sale.

2) I reserve the rights to sell to anyone.

3) I also reserve the rights NOT sell to anyone,even if you are the 1st in line.

4) Sales is on a first-reserved-first-served basis.

5) "Reserved" means the 1st person to reply to the thread, not PM me.

6) All items reserved must be collected within 3 days.

7) No requests for discounts will be entertained.Unless given by me.

8) I reserve the rights to include other T&C when i deem fit.


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Left with these few items...

Signal Goby - $10

Fang Blenny - $5

Black sea cuke (s) - $5

Sun Coral - $20

Heliofungia(palm size) x 2 - $20 each

Sea fan - $5

Viclite(internal ballast) with BLV 250w 20kk SE bulb(4 mths old)- $120

Dymax return pump(4000l) - $30

Macro NDWL AS-250 with pump - $100

Deltec Epoxy (70%) - $10

SeaChem(SC) reef Trace (90%) - $7

SC Strontium (90%) - $7

SC KH (80%) - $7

Cyclopeeze(80%) + Formula 2(90%) - $20


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Signal Goby - $10

Fang Blenny - $5

Black sea cuke (s) - $5

Sun Coral - $20

Heliofungia(palm size) x 2 - $20 each

Sea fan - $5

Viclite(internal ballast) with BLV 250w 20kk SE bulb(4 mths old)- $120

Dymax return pump(4000l) - $30

Macro NDWL AS-250 with pump - $100

Deltec Epoxy (70%) - $10

SeaChem(SC) reef Trace (90%) - $7

SC Strontium (90%) - $7

SC KH (80%) - $7

Cyclopeeze(80%) + Formula 2(90%) - $20

Jewel Coral - $15

Terms & Conditions -

1) I reserve the rights to call off the sale.

2) I reserve the rights to sell to anyone.

3) I also reserve the rights NOT sell to anyone,even if you are the 1st in line.

4) Sales is on a first-reserved-first-served basis.

5) "Reserved" means the 1st person to reply to the thread, not PM me.

6) All items reserved must be collected within 3 days.

7) No requests for discounts will be entertained.Unless given by me.

8) I reserve the rights to include other T&C when i deem fit.


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Fang Blenny - $5

Black sea cuke (s) - $5

Sun Coral - $20

Heliofungia(palm size) x 2 - $20 each

Sea fan - $5

Viclite(internal ballast) with BLV 250w 20kk SE bulb(4 mths old)- $120

Dymax return pump(4000l) - $30

Macro NDWL AS-250 with pump - $100

Deltec Epoxy (70%) - $10

SeaChem(SC) reef Trace (90%) - $7

SC Strontium (90%) - $7

SC KH (80%) - $7

Cyclopeeze(80%) + Formula 2(90%) - $20

Jewel Coral - $15

Terms & Conditions -

1) I reserve the rights to call off the sale.

2) I reserve the rights to sell to anyone.

3) I also reserve the rights NOT sell to anyone,even if you are the 1st in line.

4) Sales is on a first-reserved-first-served basis.

5) "Reserved" means the 1st person to reply to the thread, not PM me.

6) All items reserved must be collected within 3 days.

7) No requests for discounts will be entertained.Unless given by me.

8) I reserve the rights to include other T&C when i deem fit.


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Bad salesman and bad sales:

This is my pm to this salesman and his reply :

1) Yo bro, the LR can make it $3/kg? then 70kg will be $210??

His reply: Im already selling at $3.50 per kg leh...

if you take all i give u @ $230...best price

2)) Or u give me $240 with the 2 cleaner shrimp that i reserved lah, ok lah....me poor guy leh..

His reply: $250 with 2 CS...

3) deal, but can FOC me the 2 tubeworm and 2 false clown?

His reply: tuneworms no prob...clowns got ppl want liaoz.

you want i can give u some zoo frags

4) So i am first for the LR and shrimp and tubeworm, right??

his reply: bro...too many items liaoz...i also blur...

LR u r the 1st....but i think tubeworms got ppl reserve liaoz.

u check the thread lah.


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  Vincenttan said:
and now he put other people name on it. He himself agree to give me a discount LR with Cleaner shrimp $250, and he break his promise


pls read T&C no. 3 and 6. I dun have to explain more.

Terms & Conditions -

1) I reserve the rights to call off the sale.

2) I reserve the rights to sell to anyone.

3) I also reserve the rights NOT sell to anyone,even if you are the 1st in line.

4) Sales is on a first-reserved-first-served basis.

5) "Reserved" means the 1st person to reply to the thread, not PM me.

6) All items reserved must be collected within 3 days.

7) No requests for discounts will be entertained.Unless given by me.

8) I reserve the rights to include other T&C when i deem fit.

You told me you can only collect next week. if i cannot clear the LRs, how to ctach my fishes?

call me watever names you want.


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Yup, u reserve the right not to sell to anyone..so u shouldnt have agree to put me first in the line....i told u i can only collect next weekend, u say will confirm confirm sales tomorrow. u never say collecttion start this weekend and collect within 3 days....Bad T & C also!! never state clearly..

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SO u mean your T & C No 3 is even though i am first in the line and through pm we confirmed the sales and you could still went back on your word???? So people go to your house to collect need to be careful loh, u last minutes may change your mind from selling to them and sell to others??

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  Vincenttan said:
Yup, u reserve the right not to sell to anyone..so u shouldnt have agree to put me first in the line....i told u i can only collect next weekend, u say will confirm confirm sales tomorrow. u never say collecttion start this weekend and collect within 3 days....Bad T & C also!! never state clearly..

My T&C were stated clearly in my first thread.

pls go back to page 1 and read again.

and i choose to sell to the person who can accomodate to my schedule.

too bad its not you.


and do have the courtesy to keep my thread clean of your posts if you are not intending to buy anything from me.

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  Vincenttan said:
forget it !!! released the CS to others, not getting from a people that doesnt keep to his word.. Wait i go to your house collect the CS, u may change your mind last min and sell to others. Will waste my trip there..

ya....maybe i would


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