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WilliamMuk's Reef (4x2x2.5)


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PAL! CaN Ur TanK Dun BE so ChiO!!! ;)

OuTsHIne The Rest Of Us....(*Joking ;) )

ReallY DaMnnnn ChIO!!!!!! Si BeI SWEee.....!!!LIke IT AloT...esp UR SumP...

GooD WoRK!!!!!!!! :bow:

Totally agree....


Chio til i can't keep my jaw close ..:D

cheers :P

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Bro DA, here's an update on the Pink Yuma you picked out for me.

The colour seems to have changed a little as compared to previously.

bro its really beautiful :yeah: very nice yuma :bow:

DA, u can choose yumas well :eyebrow:

william.... can see the plate happy in your tank now :P

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Wow William... your tank setup is pure inspiration and really neat!

Really enjoyed reading your thread!

Great Job!


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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hello all, it's been quite a while since my last update. Work has been keeping me

rather busy. Haven't even got time to go "chionging" LFS. :(

If you recall, I bought this temperature controller weeks ago.


I'm disappointed to report that I haven't finished it yet. :paiseh:

Only managed to find time to mount the front panel components.

Believe me, it's really hard work cutting the holes for the mounting. :pinch:

I think it should be easier if you have the right tools.

Hopefully, I can complete the project by this month. :P

Here's a picture of it with the components mounted.


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Besides being kept busy by work, my Clown Wrasse has been adding to my stress!!!

This fella has been with me for more than two years. Naturally, my kids and I have

some feelings of it ... having seen it grown and transform over the last two years.

My kids really liked it and has even named it "Cutie". :angel:

Unfortunately, as it grow and transform from juvenile to adult, its behaviour has also

become more and more destructive. For the last two months, I have often come home

from a stressful day at work to even more stress seeing my precious corals being

rearranged by "Cutie".

I would often find my Orange Fungia or Red Scolymia or other corals on the sandbed

being flipped upside-down! Our beloved "Cutie" is messing up my reef real bad. :cry2:

Here's "Cutie" through the years ...


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Finally, my two girls and I have discussed and agreed that "Cutie" has got to go.

I can't net it out as it is too fast. I've tried digging at the spot where is burrows to sleep.

Nope, can't find it there. :(

I think the only way is to trap it.

I bought some acrylic sheets and spent my Labour Day Sunday constructing a fish trap.

I'll be deploying it tomorrow and hope to trap it within the next few days.

Here are some photos during construction. Please pardon the poor workmanship.

I'll try to post more photos of it in action. Hopefully the traps works. :rolleyes:

Wish me luck.


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Hello all, it's been quite a while since my last update. Work has been keeping me

rather busy. Haven't even got time to go "chionging" LFS. :(

If you recall, I bought this temperature controller weeks ago.


I'm disappointed to report that I haven't finished it yet. :paiseh:

Only managed to find time to mount the front panel components.

Believe me, it's really hard work cutting the holes for the mounting. :pinch:

I think it should be easier if you have the right tools.

Hopefully, I can complete the project by this month. :P

Here's a picture of it with the components mounted.

Hi William,

How much did you pay for the controller?

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Petmxxt sell one of those fish trap very similar to the one you built except it come with holes for water to flow thru. Cost abt ten buck.


bro, why u post this msg? :D

william, hope u catch the coris soon. happy labour day

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good luck william. :) Cutie a.k.a Red Coris Wrasse (Coris gaimard) is not reef safe, esp when it has reached adulthood.

You're absolutely right. It's really getting worst by the day. :(

We could've gotten rid of it when moving from the previous tank to this one.

But we were hoping that it will learn to live peacefully with fellow tankmates having

been kept for so long.

Unfortunately, we now regret being too sentimental about it. :cry2:

Here's the trap deployed. As you can see, the Coral Beauty Angel and Purple Tang

has decided to enter the trap to check out the mirror reflection.

Hopefully the Clown Wrasse will get accustomed with it and also enter the trap. :yeah:


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Hi William,

How much did you pay for the controller?

Hi all, I got quite a few PMs asking about this also. I've replied your PMs.

I bought the temperature controller from from:

Acez Instruments Pte Ltd at Sim Lim Tower #B1-36A.

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bro, why u post this msg? :D

william, hope u catch the coris soon. happy labour day

Hi bro Jpaul, thank you and happy holidays to you too. Cheers. :)

I think bro Seawater probably just wanted to share the info.

Hi Seawater, thanks for the info. Any idea what is the size of it? Thanks.

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You're absolutely right. It's really getting worst by the day. :(

We could've gotten rid of it when moving from the previous tank to this one.

But we were hoping that it will learn to live peacefully with fellow tankmates having

been kept for so long.

Unfortunately, we now regret being too sentimental about it. :cry2:

Here's the trap deployed. As you can see, the Coral Beauty Angel and Purple Tang

has decided to enter the trap to check out the mirror reflection.

Hopefully the Clown Wrasse will get accustomed with it and also enter the trap. :yeah:

Actually they are ok with corals... but as they get too big, small fish and shrimp maybe in danger ;)

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Actually they are ok with corals... but as they get too big, small fish and shrimp maybe in danger ;)

Agree with your point about it feasting on small shrimps and fishes. :pinch:

Although that "Clown" doesn't eat corals, I would not classify it as "coral safe" because

of its nasty habit of flipping corals upside down to look for snacks. I could probably live

with it, if, it at least have the courtesy of flipping it back to up right position. :upsidedown:

But no, it conveniently leaves the coral upside down ... expecting me to do all the work

of putting it upright again. That is simply unacceptable. :angry:

Imagine me having endured returning home everynight for the past month to find my

Scolymia, Cynarina, Fungia, Goniopora, Zoanthus colony, Mushroom rocks, etc, etc,

upside down on the sandbed -- suffering, suffocating!!!

My reef is a mess because of this ungrateful "Clown". :angry::angry::angry:

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Agree with your point about it feasting on small shrimps and fishes. :pinch:

Although that "Clown" doesn't eat corals, I would not classify it as "coral safe" because

of its nasty habit of flipping corals upside down to look for snacks. I could probably live

with it, if, it at least have the courtesy of flipping it back to up right position. :upsidedown:

But no, it conveniently leaves the coral upside down ... expecting me to do all the work

of putting it upright again. That is simply unacceptable. :angry:

Imagine me having endured returning home everynight for the past month to find my

Scolymia, Cynarina, Fungia, Goniopora, Zoanthus colony, Mushroom rocks, etc, etc,

upside down on the sandbed -- suffering, suffocating!!!

My reef is a mess because of this ungrateful "Clown". :angry::angry::angry:

haah true... and also when it burrow onto sand the sand bed burries ###### overtime..... lolx.. ungrateful clown :lol::lol:

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haah true... and also when it burrow onto sand the sand bed burries coral overtime..... lolx.. ungrateful clown :lol::lol:

:lol: ah yes, yes ... sand covering corals.

Not to worry, for this part of the messing up, I have my Clarkii Clown to thank for that.

This "Clown" has two favourite spots on the sandbed. It uses its tail to fan the sand

making a crater. Surrounding corals are buried by the flying sandstorm.

Truly an interesting behaviour to observe. :ph34r:

I'm trying to live with it for now. Again, for sentimental reasons.

I've had this Clarkii Clown when it was a half-inch baby.

I bought it for my kids during the Nemo craze.

Now it is more than 2+ inches liao ...

See lah ... my troubles with "Clowns" again. :erm:

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never TRUST any clarkii clown or maroon clown....I had both of this fishes living in my old tank sump for almost a year before releasing them into my new tank...well after one year sentance in prison (SUMP TANK)...they are STILL BACK IN ACTION!!!! :cry:

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This is the 3rd unsuccessful day of "Operation : Save My Corals From The Ungrateful Clown".

I've got almost every fish swimming into the trap except the Clown Wrasse. :(

Well, at least I now know that if I ever wanted to, I would be able to easily extract my

Yellow, Purple or Chevron Tangs; or Coral Beauty, Flame or Rusty Angels; etc.

Today I come home to my precious Red Scolymia like this ... sigh :cry2:


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