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Update on 1-month nano


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Hi all,

Not sure where my original thread was so this is the latest update.

Converted my 10G tall nano tank from freshwater 1 month ago. Been following this forum for a while before starting. Here are some pictures and insights from this newbie.

Is a nano tank really feasible?

Time will tell for me. My tank still young but I am monitoring it very closely. The key phrase is "close monitoring". A lot more time and effort is required to keep a successful nano tank. I have been changing water regularly, testing my water and be very disciplined about stocking. Did not have everything I like to have yet but I think I have to stop now (other major constraint of a nano).

What is exactly required?

Reading, planning, reading some more and patience. I guess these are important for all things we go into.

Deviations from original plan?

Skimmer - did not plan to have 1 from reading the nano-tank forum. But found that water quality is easier to maintain even with the simplest skimmer.

Additional circulation - added a ehiem powerhead in the tank for better water movement.

Top 10 things I will do for my next nano:

10. Plan exactly what lifestock to have including snails, shrimps, crabs and corals. Not much space.

9. Be patient when looking for the corals. Choose appropriate size ones. Tank too easily filled up.

8. Have more and better light - bluffing myself to keep only "low-light" corals and hence I only have a 27W PL.

7. Have a sump/fuge setup - for more water quantity (system stability) and maybe quality depending on setup.

6. Hide as much equipment as possible - tank is already so small. More things outside means more distraction.

5. Cheaper does not mean more value for money. Ended up spending more sometimes. For example, low quality test kits.

4. But, more expensive does not mean better quality too. For example, marine salt (will not go further).

3. Mix my own salt water instead of getting NSW from LFS. More control.

2. Buy nice and high quality LR and LS. You do not need much for a nano-tank and ugly LR cannot be easily hidden by other LR.

1. Convince spouse to learn about this hobby together so that when you go overseas to work, tank is looked after.

This post is already too long. Sorry.



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  • SRC Member

DOnt give away la...

The fish went thru such a long way... from house... to hotel... then bumpy ride to LCK and finally to yur tank... Let him have a nice home. :D


Good Looking tank sir, But u might want to build it up vertically. Looks nicer with more height.

Will look out for long tonga branches for u, Will look good in yur tank.

My Tank

Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy

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Thanks. Someone coming to collect it tomorrow already. Hopefully it will be provided a better home.

If I want to build the structure higher. Really must use epoxy already. Zoanthus are already doing a balancing act. ;)

Post pics of your tank. Need my digital camera?

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Goby found a corner amongst the rocks and is staying there. Have to buy pellets to feed it soon. Think it is hungry. Not getting the mysis I am feeding.

Mushies are doing good too. Had to "transplant" the mushrooms from 2 of the 4. Hope they survive.

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  • SRC Member
Thanks. Someone coming to collect it tomorrow already. Hopefully it will be provided a better home.

If I want to build the structure higher. Really must use epoxy already. Zoanthus are already doing a balancing act. ;)

Post pics of your tank. Need my digital camera?


:bow::thanks: in advance.. HAHA!

My Tank

Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy

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Goby found a corner amongst the rocks and is staying there. Have to buy pellets to feed it soon. Think it is hungry. Not getting the mysis I am feeding.

Mushies are doing good too. Had to "transplant" the mushrooms from 2 of the 4. Hope they survive.

did u soak wif garlic guard? coz i do dat evryday.

sure it will like it. :peace:

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  • SRC Member

GarlicGuard is an appetite/flavor enhancer for freshwater and saltwater fish. GarlicGuard will help renew the interest of poor or finicky eaters. GarlicGuard contains the naturally derived, active ingredient found in garlic, allicin, which has been demonstrated to possess health promoting benefits. Allicin possesses strong anti-oxidant properties (similar to Vitamin C) which promote enhanced health through elimination of dangerous free radicals. For enhanced health benefits, GarlicGuard also contains Vitamin C. Freshwater and Marine. Reef safe.

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Thanks for the info. How's the 6-line?

I went to buy some hermits this pm. Didn't know they are so expensive. Don't know whether got "robert" too. Was told 4 for $9.50, came home to find 5 shells with 2 of them empty. Maybe 1 of them ran away on the way home. :cry:

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  • SRC Member
GarlicGuard is an appetite/flavor enhancer for freshwater and saltwater fish. GarlicGuard will help renew the interest of poor or finicky eaters. GarlicGuard contains the naturally derived, active ingredient found in garlic, allicin, which has been demonstrated to possess health promoting benefits. Allicin possesses strong anti-oxidant properties (similar to Vitamin C) which promote enhanced health through elimination of dangerous free radicals. For enhanced health benefits, GarlicGuard also contains Vitamin C. Freshwater and Marine. Reef safe.

Helps to keep white spots at bay too. :D

My Tank

Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy

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If so good, I think I may buy a bottle to try. I got a 4-ft FW tank too.

Going away for 2.5 weeks. Not sure if my nano-tank is going to make it. Most worrying is the water parameters. Hopefully, my wife will remember to top up FW and do a weekly SW change for me.

Must remember to teach her how to use the hydrometer. :idea:

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The results of my weekly tests:

KH - 8dKH

PH - 8.4

NH4 - 0.1mg/l

NO2 - 0.05mg/l

NO3 - 5mg/l

PO4 - 0.3mg/l

Temp - 26.2 to 28.2

SG - 1.022

Ca - 452

I had lower NH4 and NO2 before. Not sure why it is not close to 0. Are these values high?

I change about 8l (30%) tank of mixed sea water weekly (marine environment with TM triple buffer).

IMO, I have got a low bio-load.


Cleaner Shrimp x 1

Tangaroa Goby x 1

Dwarf Hermit x 3

Turbo Snail x 3

Crowie x 1

? Snail x 1


Some Mushies

Are these parameters really bad?

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Only one snail meh?... dont bluff.. HAHA!

ANyway "enjoy' yur trip sir. See ya when u are back.

Had to be extra careful of our ###### when u r gone....

My Tank

Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy

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  • 1 month later...

Latest Update.

Luckily nothing happened to the tank while I was away for 18 days. In fact, I think the tank had a chance to stabilise without me putting my hand in the tank all the time. :P

Took some measurements this afternoon. Comments on parameters, please.

KH - 9 dKH

PH - 8.4

SG - 1.023

Temp - 27-28 deg C

NH4 - 0.1mg/l

NO2 - 0.02mg/l

NO3 - <1mg/l

PO4 - 0.3mg/l

Ca - 480mg/l

PO4 and Ca seems a little high. Anyone knows how to reduce PO4? I am already using Seagel by Seachem.

Changed landscape a little and added new lights. Able to see more colours from corals. Wife and kids happier looking at tank too. Got permission to upgrade to a 4ft but have to tear down my current FW 4ft. Have to find a way to keep 2 x 4ft tanks.

One way is the nike way - just do it. Too late for wife to object after that. May have to sleep in living room for a while but I will be closer to the tank then. :D

Some new pics.


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