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Just 2 Questions

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  • SRC Member

Hi all,

I'm a newbie and had yet to start a marine tank. I have been following threads here and other web to gain more knowledge. I have 2 question here and would appreciate your help.

I intend to keep a reef tank, and was told by 1 LFS that if I have a 2feet depth tank, MH is a must. Is it true ? :unsure: What about 1.5ft depth tank , do I need it too ?

Another Question is , I came across 1 marine farm, the boss says i do not need a chiller for reef tank, its more on the water parameter to keep the reef alive, is it true ? Cos at his farm, all corals n fishes is kept at 31 degrees.

I also understand some hobbist kept their reefs w/o any chiller, and it is nicely done up..... and the reef is not dying... :ph34r:

I hope guys here can gives me a simple explanation :thanks:

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  • SRC Member

Before answering your question, I need to know what kind of stuff you are planning to keep. SPS hard corals, clams, soft corals or fish only.

MH lighting is really only a necessity when you are planning to keep SPS hard corals and other lilght demaning species. They also tend to be the most temperature sensitive too, and require 28C or below in termperature.

Also, because MH lighting produces so much heat, you usually need a chiller to keep the tank temperature to below 28C.

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  • SRC Member

Hi pospeh,

Thanks for yr reply.... actually i'm quite confuse in terms of SOFT OR HARD coral, I plan to keep those corals that is soft on top and had a bone structure at its base.....is it a soft coral> I also intend to keep some small fishes etc....

Is it a must to have chiller and MH :thanks:

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  • SRC Member

if u squeeze it and feel something hard. its a hard coral. those soft flesh with bone structure are hard corals. more specifically LPS . SPS are those hard corals with hard flesh .

go www.liveaquaria.com click corals click LPS and go see. thjen click SPS and see the differences.

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  • SRC Member

The corals you are talking about are LPS (hammers, plate, bubble, etc). They are not quite as difficult as SPS corals (acroporas) but still require good water conditions.

For this kind of coral, you definitely do not need MH lighting.

You just need either Power Compacts or T5 lighting.

Because these types of lighting do not generate alot of heat, you do not need a chiller. With normal operation, you tank should not be about 28C, unless the house is especially hot.

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  • SRC Member

Hi Spiderone & pospeh,

Thanks for all the help , if u dont mind could u pls advise me another question... I posted under SUMP & REFUGIUM.... members said do not require any bioballs, coral chips etc... den what should be in the sump ?? And how isit going to create good bacteria when no bioballs ?

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  • SRC Member
members said do not require any bioballs, coral chips etc... den what should be in the sump ?? And how isit going to create good bacteria when no bioballs ?

IMO, u still need media for the bacteria to colonise. hence u need coral chips or bio balls. at least for the first year.

after tat, u may wish to remove them in phases. Meaning remove bit by bit AND not all of them at one go.

reason being, after the first year, your sandbed or LR should be mature and possess sufficient bacteria to support your tank.

Edited by dodo
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  • SRC Member

My view is that you really do not need bioballs and coral chips in your sump if you have enough cured live rock (either in the main tank or in the sump), such that they can handle the bioload of your tank.

You can put about 4 inches in sand in your sump and make it into a refugium. Then you can raise macroalgae or some other livestock (such as seahorses) that cannot live in your main tank.

Of course, you also need to plan a chamber in your sump for all your pumps, skimmers, wool filters, etc.

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  • SRC Member

I know its diffcult to comment on any of the issues here, cos i'm new.....

very confusing....some say no need bioball/coral chip, some say must have, some say only for the 1st year....so which is which???

just to check what's the purpose of using coral chips?? for buffering PH? or addition to BB cultivation?

what does a refugium with DSB do?? cultivation BB or remove nitrate?

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