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Nitrate Reducer


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  • SRC Member
IMO,its quite useless,it just acts as a base for converting nitrates.the best way is still lR

LR reduce nitrates? <_< Dont think so dude.


"Ah, Blackadder. Started talking to yourself, I see."

"Yes...it's the only way I can be assured of intelligent conversation."

- Melchett and Edmund Blackadder

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  • SRC Member

will reduces no3 if the LRs are boulder sizes.... :P

I gotta feeling..Woo...hoo....That tonight's gonna be a good night.....That tonight's gonna be a good, good night!

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  • SRC Member

So LR can reduce nitrate...icic..my bad. New stuffs to learn here everyday. :)


"Ah, Blackadder. Started talking to yourself, I see."

"Yes...it's the only way I can be assured of intelligent conversation."

- Melchett and Edmund Blackadder

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  • 1 month later...
  • SRC Member

LR itself does not reduce nitrate.

its the beneficial bacteria/organism colonisig on the LR that helps the denitrifying.

To be able to bring down a high level of NO3.....only very porous boulder size LRs can do the job.

best way - feed less....feed less...no overstocking...no overstocking...good water flow...good water flow...

wonder how many times must we repeat these....


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  • 2 weeks later...

yes, diabalous is correct. I am battling high no3 for 3 months. slowly very slowly but surely it is decreasing. I took out my "mature" sweetlip and damsels(reduce LS) . I feed much much less. once every 2 days.(cruel but must), and I get more LRs. EMM NO3 drop half from 100 to 50.so now is u bet . reefing all depends on ur self. trust uself. learn from other accounters. Which everyone here is doing. we share views u execute to ur very best instict. emm just my view. me only sincau learning too. he heh e.

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  • SRC Member


i once relied on all kinds of equipments & additives to reduce NO3, but found out that proper maintainence is still the best way to do it for long term sake. though equipments do help in some ways. jus my own personal opinion.

if u r using a lot of bio balls, ceramic rings, coral chips etc, it will also cause high NO3. i have tried 50% water change continuous for 8 weekends & can't even reduce the NO3 by half. water hange will help if yr NO3 is still not too high.

then i decided to remove the bio balls from my overflow & coral chips in my sump. soon, NO3 drop to almost zero (even though redsea test kit results showed zero).

pls take note that u must not remove all at 1 go bcos bioballs, rings & chips are essential for reducing amm & NO2. remove 25% once a month until u see improvement in yr NO3. i still maintain small % of rings in my sump. my NO3 remains btw 5-10ppm till today. my 6" DSB after 2 yrs may also play a part in reducing NO3.

lastly, reduce feeding & dosing of coral foods, less live stock, good skimmer & more LR.

many methods works, but u must also analsis yr current tank status & set up.


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  • SRC Member


oh i c. no wonder. i also started of with canister years ago. another name for canister is 'nitrate factory'.

wise choice to convert to sump. if u r using rings or chips in the canister, u can transfer them to yr sump for the time being as u need cultured bacterias for yr sump. anyway, u can only do all these transfer etc if u have not done it. transfer of media from canister to sump must be done on the same time. must not wash yr canister media with tap water or expose to air, etc etc......

let me know if u wish to know more.


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  • SRC Member

ya...every person had his own method of desiging their system...some uses bioballs, some uses combination and some even dun uses anything.....etc etc....for me, now i start removing all the bioballs and left only the coral chips with some cermic cones...No3 level right now is at 20ppm....i have even reduce my feedings too......maintance & monitoring is very very critical as mentioned by UFO..I do agreed that!!!!

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  • SRC Member


IMO, bioballs are most effective with water running thru it instead of soaking in water. if u have plenty of LR, bioballs, coral ships, ceramic rings, u may consider removing the bioballs. but b4 u do that, u must make sure that yr existing rings,chips, etc can handle yr bio load.

many said LR is as good or better than using balls, rings etc. but also provided yr tank water circulation is very strong/good. if not will defeat it's purpose. if yrs is a mature tank, by adding more LR may cause another round of 'new tank cycling' syndrom.

diff methods work diffly. find out/read more b4 changing & understand yr tank better.


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