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How To Stop Dying N Start Living....


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  • SRC Member

Get lost u irritating kid! Dont u find yourself hated by your classmates? I bet you are a loner with little or no friends. Thats why you keep on saying that you want to commit suicide. Why dont u just go and jump off a building?

Hey...not trying to stir up any controversial points here but just the plain old facts...Moreover, have not seen and do not know any of the both of you...maybe I will get myself in hot soup but I would like to take the risk though...

1) Why is this club set up?

Ans : IMO...

i) through the dedication of AT and maybe his motivating factors

ii) the desire to share and learn from each other and tap on each other's

strengths in their knowledge on marine life and to accommodate each

other's failures PROVIDED contriteness is shown. :P

2) What is a club?

Ans : IMO...

i) a place where people's feelings are relaxed

ii) there is no portrayal of unhealthy competitive spirits

iii) a santuary from the 'mad' world that one would be in before coming into

the club

iv) sensitivity is exercised to ensure an equilibrium in stability

v) graciousness is also executed in forgiving tactless words that may

surface, understanding that each individual has his/ her own character

and no one owes the other a living :peace:

3) How can a club be successful?

Ans : IMO...Pass through the following stages

Stage 1) Everybody come, everybody go. Just hey and bye...

Stage 2) Everybody come, and some congregate together with common

interests and get to understand more about personalities of the

others and occasionally be irked by them and goes off fuming

Stage 3) Everybody come, 'sit' together, listen to each other's 'problems' and

feel the desire to help each other for the love of ONE SAME GOAL

Hope reflection can be done on each other's parts so that we will come back together, accepting each other's strengths and faults... :lol:


Anybody to add on?

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  • SRC Member
btw i also got 6 tube worms and some mushrooms and coraline algae is spreading around also.

My two day old algae goby now got pop-eye on one eye.

So what is the problem huh? I can't be just rearing Live rocks in my marine tank............it's kinda boring u know


IMO, ur fish is sick.

may be internal bacteria infection.

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  • SRC Member

Hey...not trying to stir up any controversial points here but just the plain old facts...Moreover, have not seen and do not know any of the both of you...maybe I will get myself in hot soup but I would like to take the risk though...

1) Why is this club set up?

Ans : IMO...

i) through the dedication of AT and maybe his motivating factors

ii) the desire to share and learn from each other and tap on each other's

strengths in their knowledge on marine life and to accommodate each

other's failures PROVIDED contriteness is shown. :P

2) What is a club?

Ans : IMO...

i) a place where people's feelings are relaxed

ii) there is no portrayal of unhealthy competitive spirits

iii) a santuary from the 'mad' world that one would be in before coming into

the club

iv) sensitivity is exercised to ensure an equilibrium in stability

v) graciousness is also executed in forgiving tactless words that may

surface, understanding that each individual has his/ her own character

and no one owes the other a living :peace:

3) How can a club be successful?

Ans : IMO...Pass through the following stages

Stage 1) Everybody come, everybody go. Just hey and bye...

Stage 2) Everybody come, and some congregate together with common

interests and get to understand more about personalities of the

others and occasionally be irked by them and goes off fuming

Stage 3) Everybody come, 'sit' together, listen to each other's 'problems' and

feel the desire to help each other for the love of ONE SAME GOAL

Hope reflection can be done on each other's parts so that we will come back together, accepting each other's strengths and faults... :lol:


Anybody to add on?

i totally agree with you

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If you have taken things from the sea...it could be fish lice that are irritating your fish. Those have even been known to attack human skin..let alone fish. The rocks might have been taken from waters contaminated from pollution.

The color of your sand worries me...looks like a bacterial swamp.

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member

Did u try to add alot alot of things at 1 go?

for e.g. adding all the fishes in at one shot, adding tons of LR at one shot after the fishes r introduced?

this is impt as a sudden massive addition of LS will alter the equilibrium of the water too drastically causing great stress and eventually killing the fishes....

main thing to hav is PATIENCE.....

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  • SRC Member

I am not Frenzy not AT&T, so if you would pardon advice from an amateur, read on...

I trust that your readings of Ammonia and Nitrite are accurate, because i've not heard of grossly inaccurate NH3 and NO2 test kits.

The Nitrate reading is of negligible importance cos i believe Damsels will tolerate sky high nitrates.

Your pH is the reading that might be wrong, as pH test kits can be grossly inaccurate sometimes. Suggest you loan one. Fishes affected by pH will be jittery, easily frightened and will dash around wildly.

You also mentioned that your temp is 26.5 to 28 degs. If this is the daily temp fluctuation of water in your tank, you need to do something to make it constant. Swings in water temperature Will cause stress.

If I dont remember wrongly, pop eye is caused by a parasite. Freshwater dip will be able to rid of your problem if it is pop eye. Pls read the threads in the disease section on how to do a FW dip.

What is your source of lifestock?

Did you acclimate your fishes before adding them into your tank?

Would suggest that you do a brief FW dip on whatever new fishes u are going to add in the future to remove all parasites on the body.

Gasping for air is a symptom of white spot and velvet. But since you didnt mention that your fishes had spots, i guess its not Cryptocaryon Irritans. Did your fish appear pale, like it was coated flour prior to death? If so, you have Velvet in your tank, and it does kill swiftly.

If velvet is the cause, simply remove all fishes, and leave the tank fishless for about a month. Velvet is much easier to eradicate from a tank than White Spot, but Velvet is more deadly.

I think the all the pple that have replied to your thread mean well and sincerely want to help you. I really dont think you should slam them as so.

Hope this doesnt offend.

Cheers, Good Luck~

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Woah.... again another potential flashpoint! :(

Spiderone, please take a break from this thread if you have nothing constructive to add. You seem to be on Gatecrasher's case all this time. He is honestly seeking help here and not out for trouble. Please stand down and back off.

And how about's did I get called AT&T? ;)

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hey friend,

I used to have a 3ft long red tail cat ok! dun play play! I also use to have shovel nose catfish and motoro ray. But at the end I threw them all away in a public pond.

your aro is what kind of red leh? tikum red? or super red or VFSR?

Super red tag hor... dun pray pray BTW my red tail is already at 3 feet long.....

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  • SRC Member

Hey...not trying to stir up any controversial points here but just the plain old facts...Moreover, have not seen and do not know any of the both of you...maybe I will get myself in hot soup but I would like to take the risk though...

1) Why is this club set up?

Ans : IMO...

i) through the dedication of AT and maybe his motivating factors

ii) the desire to share and learn from each other and tap on each other's

strengths in their knowledge on marine life and to accommodate each

other's failures PROVIDED contriteness is shown. :P

2) What is a club?

Ans : IMO...

i) a place where people's feelings are relaxed

ii) there is no portrayal of unhealthy competitive spirits

iii) a santuary from the 'mad' world that one would be in before coming into

the club

iv) sensitivity is exercised to ensure an equilibrium in stability

v) graciousness is also executed in forgiving tactless words that may

surface, understanding that each individual has his/ her own character

and no one owes the other a living :peace:

3) How can a club be successful?

Ans : IMO...Pass through the following stages

Stage 1) Everybody come, everybody go. Just hey and bye...

Stage 2) Everybody come, and some congregate together with common

interests and get to understand more about personalities of the

others and occasionally be irked by them and goes off fuming

Stage 3) Everybody come, 'sit' together, listen to each other's 'problems' and

feel the desire to help each other for the love of ONE SAME GOAL

Hope reflection can be done on each other's parts so that we will come back together, accepting each other's strengths and faults... :lol:


Anybody to add on?

well said... :bow:

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Whether you are Singaporean, Malaysian or Martian, obey the houserules or leave.

No flaming, no malicious talking, no hate-mongering, no fighting.

We are all hobbyists here and let's keep to what we are here to talk about... our love for the hobby and not bring in our social, religious or political showmanship here.

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  • SRC Member
Whether you are Singaporean, Malaysian or Martian, obey the houserules or leave.

No flaming, no malicious talking, no hate-mongering, no fighting.

We are all hobbyists here and let's keep to what we are here to talk about... our love for the hobby and not bring in our social, religious or political showmanship here.

ya ya ya!!!!!!!

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