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wa_lanz 3x2x2 tank


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Bro... IME, When you lose dkh too fast, the SPS might STN from the bottom, and my observation is that it always happens to the millis 1st... Coz I kanna twice liao and both times the millis suffered 1st...

I tink your SPS too used to being in the 12dkh range... but remember to raise it up slowly... :)

PS: I tink you very lucky to have a great GF who would take care of your reef for you... Marry her lah!! :lol::lol::lol:

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CR choked lo.. happen over the last few weeks... got the problem solved but now then the sps starting to stn... really don wish to frag them lehz..

so if i slowly push up the dkh would that stop the stn?? and the worst part is i cant go back to rectify... <_<

forgot to mentioned that new frags go in at 8.4 dkh also start stn...

only thing changed now is that more reef safe fishes with increased feeding..

0 nitrates and phosphates though...

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His CR flow control at the effluent outlet and the flow control done with the orange ball valve. The small opening would cause the dirt in the effluent to accumulate with time and that caused the choking. What he has to do is to open and close the ball valve to clear the choke. But the root caused is not solved and the CR choked very soon after that.

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What was it of your CR that prevents choking

That time you tell me I had forgotten already

Sorry to borrow this thread :paiseh:

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I cut and take out my deltec CR micro filter and ball valve, giving a smooth high flow to my CR. Till now, no choking. ;)

Wouldnt that accumulate alot of detritus in the cr?But i think many deltec owners do that?Anyway if you do not control the flow into the cr that means your effluent is a continuous steam? Unless fed by peristaltic pump ?

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The stag you have looks like my formosa :P

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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Oh yah. Choosing sps involve not only seeing it. But also smelling it.

But sometimes smelling it may decieve you unless dead and giving pungent smell.

In your tank after lights off, you take a pcs of sps from your tank and smell.

The smell is very strong. Although it is healthy but i believe the smell comes from zooxanthellae. Not sure, maybe i am wrong. :lol:

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the one u told me dead is the other piece.. the tip is not dead.. its a different growth color.....

didnt hear u telling me about this piece if i remember correctly..

anyway for me smelling doesnt work cause my nose always flu.. cant smell anything de.. just tried it.. :pinch:

nvm la..treat it as a lesson learned... next time must see more properly don kan chiong lol..

thanks anyway

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the one u told me dead is the other piece.. the tip is not dead.. its just purple growth...

didnt hear u telling me about this piece if i remember correctly..

anyway for me smelling doesnt work cause my nose always flu.. cant smell anything de.. just tried it.. :pinch:

nvm la..treat it as a lesson learned... next time must see more properly don kan chiong lol..

Dont worry lah.. Next week still have.. Me reserved for next week lah. Cheaper and better. Also from Fiji lah.


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