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I Bought Trigger Fish Today And

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issit a solitary fish? i heard it's a predator so can i mix it with lion fish or other triggers? does it eat blood worm? pellets? what about mushrooms? does it eat corals?

Yes triggers are predator and fierce carnivore...... They eat almost everything given.... As for compatibilty wise, it depend on what trigger you get, for example niger trigger or queen trigger, they are rather docile therefore you might be able to mix them with other triggers....... But some other trigger remain fierce and will almost kill any fish added and one example is undulate trigger............ And mixing with other trigger also depend how big is the tank....

Anyway trigger queen is a trigger expert and have successfully mix some triggers together, do ask her about it

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Yes triggers are predator and fierce carnivore...... They eat almost everything given.... As for compatibilty wise, it depend on what trigger you get, for example niger trigger or queen trigger, they are rather docile therefore you might be able to mix them with other triggers....... But some other trigger remain fierce and will almost kill any fish added and one example is undulate trigger............ And mixing with other trigger also depend how big is the tank....

Anyway trigger queen is a trigger expert and have successfully mix some triggers together, do ask her about it


(ON behalf of Trigger Queen)

Nigger triggers are not queen triggers....dun be mistaken....there are 2 queen triggers at LCK this week.... can go see the diff..

Queen triggers are nice But too fierce to mix with other triggers...

Wat we have done is to mix triggers from different family...

We put our picasso in first, followed by the clown triger and bursa....all about the same size...then the peaceful bluechin.....

we didn't get any success with undulate, blue line and nigger....they were too hostile to other fishes in our tank.....

Triggers like meaty food...they particularly enjoys prawn meat..but will take a wide range of food as well......from pellets, brine shrimp..mysis shrimps...your fingers(joke) ........ our blue chin takes nori as well(weird) :look:

yes ..they are dangerous to your inverts in the tank...

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(ON behalf of Trigger Queen)

Nigger triggers are not queen triggers....dun be mistaken....there are 2 queen triggers at LCK this week.... can go see the diff..

Queen triggers are nice But too fierce to mix with other triggers...

Wat we have done is to mix triggers from different family...

We put our picasso in first, followed by the clown triger and bursa....all about the same size...then the peaceful bluechin.....

we didn't get any success with undulate, blue line and nigger....they were too hostile to other fishes in our tank.....

Triggers like meaty food...they particularly enjoys prawn meat..but will take a wide range of food as well......from pellets, brine shrimp..mysis shrimps...your fingers(joke) ........ our blue chin takes nori as well(weird) :look:

yes ..they are dangerous to your inverts in the tank...

yeah what i mean is 2 more docile triggers which are queen and niger..........

To avoid confusion, this is queen trigger


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If its a Picasso Trigger, then the aggressive level is lower than the clown, undulate, queen. how big is yours? But triggers are highly unpredictable. i have a pink-tail which is supposedly docile but it simply needs to be king in my tank!! had to take it out and out it in another tank! <_<

it is now living with my juv blue-face and leaves it alone as long as the blue face 'kow-tao' to it.

triggers can be mixed with bigger fishes (and aggressive) like angels, tangs, basses. BUT definitely not lion-fish (it will toy with its fin), puffers, boxfish as these fishes are too slow to get to the food.

currently, i have 4 triggers in one tank, mix with angels, tangs and hawkfish

saw the queen triggers at LCK last weekend...... :yeah::yeah::yeah:

too bad i dun have the space for it... had to tear myself away from the tank.

triggers are great personality fish! :D

DA, not online recently coz very BZ

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i really hope LFS will stop labelling 'niger triggers' / 'red-tooth triggers' as 'queen triggers'. :( unless... i'm wrong

but each is beautiful in their own crazy way :evil::evil: ..... :)

i had a niger trigger (according to the 'book', its a medium aggressive fih) who was a real terror (worse than my undulate and clown triggers!!!) it will bite all fishes, even the other triggers except the pink-tail.... strange..... though the pink-tail can't be bothered with it.

and i had a dominoe damsel who simply adore the pink-tail, will stick to it 24hrs.

i had a 4" clown trigger who was very sweet and docile.

had a blue-line once who was also docile and stupid.

(unfortunately both died of cynaide-poisoning mths after i bought it)

thats why, triggers are totally unpredictable and such exciting and exasperating fishes to keep.

i want a queen trigger... :cry2::cry2::cry2:

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  • SRC Member

if yours is a picasso, your trigger belongs to the Rhinecanthus family. they are of medium aggression (but again, varies from fish to fish)

if you just bought it, it might be hiding/stress, that's why its wedging itself. any other fish in the tank?

generally, triggers are highly curious and greedy creatures, it should be out in a day or 2 unless threaten by something else.

how big is it? triggers NEED meaty food. pellets and brine shrimps aren't enough. and definitely no flake food for them.

i feed mine shrimps (sometime live, sometimes chopped). they love mussels, clams etc....

if your trigger has a pinch-in tummy, that's not good news. but be careful not to overfeed. they have no concept of a 'full stomach'.

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I've got 4 triggers in my 3 feet tank, there are happyily living with each other.

I've got a Niger, Bursa, Blue Jaw and Picasso, do u think i can get a clown or queen trigger? Will they get along?

Thanks. :)

how big are your triggers?

triggers get big fast.... 3 feet too small for 4 + 1 triggers...

(even my 4 feet will get too small for my triggers soon... :( ) )

i got my clown trigger (abt 1-2 inch) and was lucky that my other triggers ignored it, though they were bigger. :lol: my triggers are like yours, very sociable. but my baby clown is able to hold its own and i fear what it will be like when its grown up. :shock:

your triggers are classified as 'mildly aggressive' (but the niger is always a surprise) my niger was simply HORRID and was only respectful of my pink-tail. my niger killed my damsel and clown fish!!

what other fishes u have in the tank?

triggers get more aggressive and territorial as they aged, so i recommend u shelf the idea of adding the clown trigger, or if u really want to, add a small one and be prepared for a bigger tank soon :heh::heh: (got excuse to upgrade!)

btw, think of the bio load.. :sick::sick:

and definitely DON"T even THINK of a QUEEN trigger unless u wanna give it a big tank all to herself. (i can only dream of a queen trigger :snore::snore: )

i am not looking forward to the day when my darling triggers start drawing boundaries in my tank..... no $$$ to upgrade...

good to know that there are other trigger lovers out there.... :D

hope it was of help

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  • SRC Member

Well trigger fishes are very interesting creatures. I hv a clown trigger n it is living very happily ith a moon wrasse, purple tang, tomato clown, 6-band wrasse, flame hawk, sailfin tang & pearlscale butterfly. No prob watsoever from the chap. Once in a while he tries to nip my fingers when i scrub the galss but that smy own fault becos i didnt give it ample warning that its me hahaha...

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
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Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
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