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Pr Latest Sps Shipment !!

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Maxima...wat lighting r u using??

My setup

250W BLV X2

150W Euro 17KK X2 - changing 150W to 400W next month, when my PFO arrives :yeah:

54W Actinic T5 X2 -Overdiven

Total - 900W for now

BTW, the intensity generate by the morning sun, measure at the south paciifc - is around/equal to 2X 400W 6.5KK Saki @ 6inch distance!!! So if U want to generate the same intensity at the reef tank environment, U will need 400W X 4 6.5KK at probably 40cm ~60cm-> where U place the Acro or 10X Radium ??? This sound a lot of light...consider how can you map to such intensity?

BTW the above setup retain all the colors of recent PR and LCK shipments - infact color up my brown birdnest to PINK, except for my old Humilis -> the green base w/luminous yellow poly is changing to metallic blue base and cyan poly :blink:

I did come across a reefer that has the magnificant colored Acros that carries

1000W 6500K x1

400W Radium X4

:bow: Total = 2600W over a 4ft main tank of 400 plus litre! :bow:

Will post the link if I can find it


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oh, that's so sad...no more sps for a while? was thinking of getting a monti cap when the next shipment arrives coz i'm too broke to buy anything for this recent shipment. then will they be bringing in other stuffs like softies, mushies, lps etc instead?

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Looks like it....

Colonies have prostrate main branches with bottlebrush-like secondary branching producing lobed or cushion-like colonies. Axial corallites are large and rounded. Radial corallites are short, with thick walls.
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This piece is similar to Morgan's. It's a cream table with pink tips and brown polyps.



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Green bottlebrush. Only saw one colony this shipment. It was quite common for the previous batch.



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Purple tipped stag which fades to turquoise and then yellow encrusting base. Phang and AT has a similar colony.



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http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/uploads/post-36-1073276974.gif post-36-1073276974.gif

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Yellow stag with purple and blue corallites.

In the foreground is my fav brilliant purple.

Behind to the right is robe's sky blue tip stag.

Behind that is Phang's A. yongei.

To the bottom left is robe's blue stag.



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