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blue tang turning crazy!!!

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  • SRC Member

anyone knows y blue tang hiding in the corner behind the rocks after i added it into my tank??? isit becos it kana shock??? isit becos i nv drip properly or wat... someone pls help don wan my blue tang to die..... :(:(:(

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  • SRC Member
our BT will be all rite..for mi if i intro a tang into a tank i would off the light for 1 to 2 hoursa n than they wil come out ..thats wad i think

guess u are right i turn on the light it became more freak out... arh hoping and praying it come out and play soon....

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  • SRC Member

wah 4hrs liao still hiding.... somemore its not feeding

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Paracanthurus Hepatus / Hippo Tang / Blue Tang / Regal Tang.

They are know to squeeze themself among ledge or cracks on LR whenever they are frighten or water params is out.

If your water params is ok and there are not other fishes harrassing it, then it should be alright in a day or two.


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  • SRC Member

kk thanz guys....

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  • SRC Member

blue tang came out wahaha but always run away when it sees me hmm... i veri scary meh... well just wondering like that how i feed it.... i put food in its runs... then other fishes eat all liao.... sigh.... aniway thanz for help guys....

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blue tang came out wahaha but always run away when it sees me hmm... i veri scary meh... well just wondering like that how i feed it.... i put food in its runs... then other fishes eat all liao.... sigh.... aniway thanz for help guys....

TLC (Tender Loving Care). try not to abruptly approached the tank as you may frighten it before it even recognised you as a friend.

You will be surprise fishes eyesights are much better than us.

Try to have small feeds but frequently i.e. feed lesser but more times per day.

This will let the fish relate you to food and thus will not be so afraid when you approach.

Btw way what are you feeding the blue tang? You might want to experiment different feed and see what you blue tang will take. Not all fishes will take pellets and not all fishes will take flakes. Also, in the wild, food does not drop from the "sky" like in captivity.

Hope it helps. :D

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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A good food to entice the blue tang to eat is "Henry's food". It is a combination of different seafood fit for human consumption blended with cyclopeeze etc. Used it to start finicky eater into eating first, then coat your dry pellets with it and slowly your blue tang will eat pellets liao.

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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  • SRC Member

after awhile.. it wont be scare of u.. just will stare at u and demand for food.. tat's wad i experience from my yellow and blue tang last time.. those were the days.. :cry2:

Everything's sold. Back in 2yrs time.


If it's a WRX, it gotta be STI.


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  • SRC Member

try live food. eg brine shrimp or fresh water shrimp. Real tang are more canivorous compared to other tang eg Yellow sailfin.

give it a few days to settle down.

btw they are prone to white spot when under stress, better to add skunk cleaner shrimp.

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