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How to catch a worm fm e LR small Hole????

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  • SRC Member

:angry: Anybody got experience in catching a centipede looking worm living in e LR small holes???Its orange in color w many legs(tats y i say it lok lik a centipede)...oso got 4 white antennate beri e long type...Thickness onli abt 1-2mm thick onli,tats y he can hide in e LR small small hole..But seems like e body beri e long leh..abt 3cm comin out loking for fd on e LR n i still havnt c e "backside" :D yet....

How to catch it??Take out e LR n try to dig it out??But will spolit e LR shape leh....

Anbody got any ways to catch it???tks :thanks:

Anyway,is tis worm harmful or will it bite me??keke :D

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  • SRC Member
Let it be. Coz they are scavanger that will eat up your fish feed left over and dead LS if any. Currently, I have 3 of them in my tank. (2 big  and 1 small)

oooooo :o

So its harmless n wont bite any fish or ME???keke :D

N it add as a cleaner oso???

Will it grow until beri e BIG n THICK THICK???keke... :D

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  • SRC Member

If my memory serves my right, AT have quite a huge one in his tank before. You can check with him.

Generally, they are pretty shy. So sudden movement or light in the water will cause them to hide back into the LR, so stinging is quite impossible.




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  • SRC Member

Yah man.When it smells food falling on e LR,then it will start to come out moving on e LR....

Quite surpise tat it survive as i got my LR fm a owner tat hav it for 1yr plus liao...When i move it hm,i put it in a newly mix saltwater n huse it for 1wk b4 putting it again into my new tank to cycle w my main tank water.....huh..tough worm man....

Look damn gross.....yucks :sick:

Will any fish be interested to ea it as FOOD>>kekeke :evil:

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  • SRC Member
Yah man.When it smells food falling on e LR,then it will start to come out moving on e LR....

Quite surpise tat it survive as i got my LR fm a owner tat hav it for 1yr plus liao...When i move it hm,i put it in a newly mix saltwater n huse it for 1wk b4 putting it again into my new tank to cycle w my main tank water.....huh..tough worm man....

Look damn gross.....yucks :sick:

Will any fish be interested to ea it as FOOD>>kekeke :evil:

TRIGGER fish...haha

Too many hobby......too little money!

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  • SRC Member

hi marble, if u r really keen in catching this wormy, how abt trying this trick: (i read it from some website, but loss the link...)

drill many holes into a pipe (pvc, plastic, any kind will do). The holes have to be abt the size of the worm (it would be best if u can make it slightly smaller). Put some shrimp meat into the pipe and cover the both ends. Try to place the trap near the rock where it lingers. The ojective is to allow the worm to crawl in but cannot come out. As for the drilling part, I suggest you just poke holes using a heated screw or someting that is small.

Good luck :D

(but for me, i prefer to leave the worm alone... unless proven guilty... :lol: )

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  • SRC Member
hi marble, if u r really keen in catching this wormy, how abt trying this trick: (i read it from some website, but loss the link...)

drill many holes into a pipe (pvc, plastic, any kind will do). The holes have to be abt the size of the worm (it would be best if u can make it slightly smaller). Put some shrimp meat into the pipe and cover the both ends. Try to place the trap near the rock where it lingers. The ojective is to allow the worm to crawl in but cannot come out. As for the drilling part, I suggest you just poke holes using a heated screw or someting that is small.

Good luck :D

(but for me, i prefer to leave the worm alone... unless proven guilty... :lol: )

tks kiwi... :D

Sounds like e monkey story to me whereby put a banana in a bottle n catch e monkey keke....

Its ok...since all of u say its quite helpful n wont harm ME n my fishes...then its ok lah,jzt leave it alone than...

Tks for all e info guys.... :thanks:

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