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Ahhh.. they mystery of the disappearing fishes.....

My dear watson, there are 4 probable causes:

1. They jumped out

2. They were eaten

3. They are hiding somewhere and you can't find them.

4. They were abducted by aliens.

Eliminate every possible scenario until you get to the answer.

Good luck!

:ph34r: j/k... hope you'll find them soon!

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  • SRC Member
  Hon said:
Add 1 more place...

They overflow into the overflow chamber!!! Check that place often!!!

cldn't be cos i'm using a canister for filtration... i know them well, esp the cardinal.... it's aways 'stationed' at the same spot... but nw it's no longer there... sniff sniff....

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definitely not me.. coz i have yet to visit your place.. phew, if not, i might have been one of the suspects....:D

as for the thought of them being eaten.. may i know what big predator fish or invertebrate u have inside??? <_<

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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can't be.. i know them well enuff... they'll aways rush to me when i'm feeding them... but last nite no sign of them during feeding time. besides, the cardinal has it's own spot, it doesn't really move away much.

suspect it mite be the trigger i juz got. but then again, the trigger doesn't seemed bother them at all for the first few days....

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  • SRC Member
  kelstorm said:

definitely not me.. coz i have yet to visit your place.. phew, if not, i might have been one of the suspects....:D

as for the thought of them being eaten.. may i know what big predator fish or invertebrate u have inside??? <_<

haha... i dun think u'd want any of my fish at all...

the onli predator i've is the trigger i got from bawater on sun... but it doesn't really show any interest in the other fish leh...

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  Achilles Tang said:
If it was the trigger which did it... there would be evidence... they are messy eaters...

or perhaps his accomplices, the hermit crabs, cleared up the evidence!


not the least bit evidence.... so i really dunno wat happened... i've my tank for more than 6mths... no signs of other hitch-hikers cos i cleared them out long time ago... n my hermits all died on me liao... :(

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Possibly crabs or hermit craps. I recently lost a goby, anthia and cardinal. There a 2" crab that I have trying to catch but no success so far (it grew from less than 1" to 2" in afew months). Even DIY a smaller version of the crab trap but its too smart to get into it so far.

I keep seeing a very hairy creature hiding in-between my LR but has never see it whole. It seems to have legs like a crap but really hairy. Any idea what it is?

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i confirm its not the trigger- cause i still losing fishes!

damn pistol...from day one 5yrs ago untill now- just lost a pea size yellow boxfish(bloody $8 fodder), 2 common clowns & 1 orange firefish- the other has its spike snapped off. i'm so sure its a pistol cause everynite a crack & next day anything new & small is gone.

anyways derf- the picasso to small to disturb cardinals.its lazy & fat- won't hunt anything except feeder shrimps. & u still get to see bits everywhere.

but i did have a bigger O.niger who ate a yellowtail,dottyback & 6 chromis.

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fred, i know how u feed.. i bought a potter's angel from coral farm months ago.. and the only time i seen it is the very day i release it into the tank.. and my flame angel followed it in.. thats it.. the last time i seen them.. search everywhere.. no bodies.. no carasses.. no skeleton too... sigh... :o

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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i had a blanket anemone.. which ate my stingray!!!.. perhaps that is the culprit... :angry: lucky i gave it away..

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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still cldn't figure out wat happened to the both of them... it's understandable if i can't find the damsel cos it's small enuff to hide but the cardinal??? there's no way that i can't spot it in my tank... besides, these greedy fellows aways charge to me when it's feeding time...

kel, like u said no body, carcass or watsoever... not even bits of it... :huh:

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shit happens derf, if there's any consolation at all - all my purple firefishes are gone now. After adding 3 of them to the existing one I had for months, the 4 of them perished together in less than a week. I only found 2 dead bodies.

I hate to jump to conclusions but the weird thing is i noticed something strange - that the fishes i got from Marinelife kept dying, while those from other LFS are still fine....

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