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Help on MARCO skimmer!!


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Have tried various method like positioning my pump higher/lower and my skimmer as well...

Occasionally able to obtain the bubble in the full chamber but it stop after the water level drop... does it mean this skimmer is not suitable for me?

quite sian liao... spent 2 weeks trying to get the skimate out but fruitless...

Any expert, who are hanging their as-150, can share your valuable advise??

Thanks a lot!!

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  • SRC Member
Have tried various method like positioning my pump higher/lower and my skimmer as well...

Occasionally able to obtain the bubble in the full chamber but it stop after the water level drop... does it mean this skimmer is not suitable for me?

quite sian liao... spent 2 weeks trying to get the skimate out but fruitless...

Any expert, who are hanging their as-150, can share your valuable advise??

Thanks a lot!!

some finding

reliase if the bubbles rises too fast at the collection cup one of the reason is there is air trap at the water return pipe all you need is too poke finger into the water flow and you can immediate sees the bubbles will goes back to foam again.

took a while for me to tune it right when started to use few months back




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