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Very SAD


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  • SRC Member

Due to my 'upgrade' plans to have a sump (which required shifting the main tank) ,I bought a blue tub and transferred my LS there.My YT got frantic and swam into my anemone and got stuck.My heart almost popped out.Desperately I poked the anemone until it released my YT.Alas, my tang got infected (possibly poisoned) and 'up lorry' a few days later.Worse, a bi-color anthias I bought a day before the transfer, began attacking my clownfish until it died after my tang.Alas, the anthias also 'up lorry' before I got chance to transfer them back to main tank.What a painfful and sad way to learn.

p/s my shrimp now one-arm bandit and my colt coral melted.

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Thks guys for your kind words.Hope my plans will not be futile.Bro weileong, I only found out abt that anthias species after came across a magazine.It is the most aggressive one among anthias.

hehex bi colour not the most lah..... wait till you see tri colour :lol::lol::lol:

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