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Wat Happened to my zoanthids!


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  • SRC Member
:( just found some nudis on mine...growing like mad..darn..wat shud i do...the zoos are stuck to the rocks like glue.. :erm: i know i shud do dip thingy but how :(

You will probably have to use a turkey blaster and suck them up when you see them.....very tedious process....they are very hard to spot as they camouflage themselves for survival....

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  • SRC Member

Wat is a lugol dip?????? :(

Lugol is a form of strong iodine and when i do the dip, the nudis will detach from the zoos, sometimes i see bristleworms, snails and all sorts detaching themself from the zoos, like what pagasus says, freshwater dip will also help, i would use RO/DI water....... -Jim

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I got my zoo opened up after 1 hour introducing it in my tank. A week later, I noticed the zoo polyps all closed and close up I see it got irritated by lot's of nudi on the polyps.

Prepared a bucket of freshwater (RO/DI) and dip it for 5 minutes, and can see lot's of debri in the bucket later. Looks like all nudi is dead. So far, all zoo is doing fine.

Lighting is 2 x 250W. Placement is on the sand.


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  • SRC Member
By the way, Can any bro help take a look @ my tank & advise me did I place my corals in the idea position?...... :unsure:

Since you also asked about your tank in general, may I suggest that you pay closer attention to your clam. Is the "mouth" always opened this big?


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