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Advise on cycling new tank....


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  • SRC Member

:D Hi,

Im new to tis hobby n jzt started cycling my tank for jzt 3days onli :P...

Got afew qn n doubt tat i hope someone out there could advise me on... :D

1.My hydrometer have a temp of 25degree imprint outside.Does it meant that my water temp have to be at 25degree to get e correct reading??My tank temp is ard 28-29degree with one T4 24w light on..So wat shld my hydrometer reading be for tis temp of bet 28-29degree???Tks

2.Im using Nutrafin Biological Aquarium Supplement Cycle medication wic state tat it will consume ammonia n nitrite n help in cycle new tank...Have anyone use it??N does it reali help??Tks

3.Will topping up of water due to Evaporation affect e cycling of tank???I always add abit of decholrine medication be4 topping up e water.

4.Will coral survive w a temp of below 29degree without chiller??How abt fishes??

5.Cfm aft 2wks,i can test e water for PH,Ammonia n nitrate.If all is to e correct reading,cfm i must change 10percent of water b4 i can add one NEMO in to ck out e water??

6.Wat r e things to lok out for or can i do for e tank during tis cycling period??Liking adding wat stuff in etc to sped up e process???

7.I have added in LR to cycle with e tank.E LR is bought fm another owner who have use it for 1.5yrs liao.So some r purple in color liao...Is tat alge or wat???Y purple in color one???

Tks alot for ur time in reading n ans it.... :thanks: n :paiseh:

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  • SRC Member

1. I do not really care abt the temp difference. Juzt make sure that u maintain ard 1.023 will be fine.

2. Dun bother. Juz let the tank cycle normally. After 4weeks, it will be ready.

3. No. It should not affect. Note that top up is only fresh water. Will advise u to use RO/DI water if poosible. I only let my water age with dechlorine solution.

4. 29degree should be fine for most soft coral.

5. I'll recommend start testing for NH4 now. You will see a peak soon. After the peak, NO2 will start. Both NH4 and NO2 will drop till zero. This is the time you can add fish in slowly. Test for NO3, it will be increasing. Then it is time to start ur NO3 removal plans.

6. Let ur tank cycle proper. many times, shortcut causes more problem.

7. It means that the LR is already cured. This may reduce your cycling process. The purple algae is coraline algae which desirable to most reefer.

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  • SRC Member
1. I do not really care abt the temp difference. Juzt make sure that u maintain ard 1.023 will be fine.

2. Dun bother. Juz let the tank cycle normally. After 4weeks, it will be ready.

3. No. It should not affect. Note that top up is only fresh water. Will advise u to use RO/DI water if poosible. I only let my water age with dechlorine solution.

4. 29degree should be fine for most soft coral.

5. I'll recommend start testing for NH4 now. You will see a peak soon. After the peak, NO2 will start. Both NH4 and NO2 will drop till zero. This is the time you can add fish in slowly. Test for NO3, it will be increasing. Then it is time to start ur NO3 removal plans.

6. Let ur tank cycle proper. many times, shortcut causes more problem.

7. It means that the LR is already cured. This may reduce your cycling process. The purple algae is coraline algae which desirable to most reefer.

tks bro... :D

Jzt got my test kit yest fm petmart....

Will give it atest when im free...

Anyway,my tank jzt cycle for 1wk onli...

If all e reading is acceptable,does it mean i can add 1 FISH to try out e water liao??

If so,wat type of hardy fish do u guys recommend??? :thanks:

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  • SRC Member


DO NOT add fishes yet until about 4weeks frmo the time u first started cycling

after 4 weeks is up,u test the water and if u haf ammonia and nitrite 0,u do a 50% water change

then u can add fishes


i made a mistake by cycling only a week and after that add few fish to try.....they never made it :cry2:

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  • SRC Member

Actually, if I'm not wrong ur LR is already cured from a previous reefer. Thus your cycling maybe less than 4 weeks, probably 2 weeks. Of course, to play safe, let it cycle 4 weeks or more.

What is impt is to see the peak and drop in NH4 and NO2. When NO3 is down to zero, you'll see NO3 start accumulating. You may den try a hardy fish like common clownfish. Its a hardy fish.

I attached one of my archve on new tank setup for your reference.


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  • SRC Member

One piece of advise. Only add one of two fishes per week after your tank is cycled. THis is because after add any fish, ur tank will go through a mini cycle again to cope with the bioload from new fish.

Btw, how big is ur tank and how many LR did u get? Cose the amount of LR will affect the whole biological filtration thus cycling.

Happy Reefing and Merry Christmas.

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  • SRC Member
If so,wat type of hardy fish do u guys recommend??? :thanks:

most damsel are hardy.. but make sure u still keep them till the end.. coz no use get a hardy fish, then u gota catch out when u tank is mature and intend to add other fishes coz of ur bioload.. ;) juz my 1cents.. :P Merrry Xmas..

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  • SRC Member
Actually, if I'm not wrong ur LR is already cured from a previous reefer. Thus your cycling maybe less than 4 weeks, probably 2 weeks. Of course, to play safe, let it cycle 4 weeks or more.

What is impt is to see the peak and drop in NH4 and NO2. When NO3 is down to zero, you'll see NO3 start accumulating. You may den try a hardy fish like common clownfish. Its a hardy fish.

I attached one of my archve on new tank setup for your reference.

common clown isn't that hardy a fish as according to sealife

so best u try damsels but beware...they r very very very agressive

how bout u be like me...u cycle for 4 whole weeks...every damn equip u can afford is in then u add a fish that u like

for me my first fish was a sailfin tang cos i like it and i noe my tank is fully equipped and cycled for such a fish

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  • SRC Member
Actually, if I'm not wrong ur LR is already cured from a previous reefer. Thus your cycling maybe less than 4 weeks, probably 2 weeks. Of course, to play safe, let it cycle 4 weeks or more.

What is impt is to see the peak and drop in NH4 and NO2. When NO3 is down to zero, you'll see NO3 start accumulating. You may den try a hardy fish like common clownfish. Its a hardy fish.

I attached one of my archve on new tank setup for your reference.

1st of all,tks for all e advise bros.. :thanks: n merry meery xmas to u guys. :D ...

Yah.. :D my LR have being w e owner for abt 1yr plus liao b4 i bought it over..I jzt get 1 extra 4kg LR big one to add in..N it seems tat tis new piece of LR got afew Feature dust worm (I THINK )growing on it...Quite alife to me...As for e rest of e "old" LR...Most of them turn purple liao...n 1 or two piece oso got e feature dust worm on them..Abit bit onli as compare to e new one...I even discover i white color creature tat lok like a snail crawling on e LR.Beri beri e small..

N tis morn i found one creature sticking on my tank.Totally white in color crawling on e tank glass...Doesnt lok like a snail as it dun hav shell...Lok more like a worm..All white in color oso....Wonderin how did it end up on e glass???huh??? <_<

I nvr add any mkt prawn to build up e NH4 during cycling as some ppl told me tat if i add LR in fm e start,there will surely hav some die off n it will create NH4 oso....

Its 1wk liao for my cycling,So does it mean tat i have to start testing for my PH,NH4,NO2 n NO3??How abt ALK???

So its how many days do 1 test???N wat r e acceptable reading????tks :thanks:

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  • SRC Member

yr lr from previous owner means its definitely cured provided u didn't take long to bring it home...but it dun mean u no need to cycle

my rocks were like yrs...gotten from other reefers but i never take risk so i still went ahead and added a market prawn....after 4weeks of testing i never detected a trace of nh4 and that's wen i confirmed my tank is cycled

i suggest u do the same too...put in a market or half a market prawn then test for ammonia every 2daes as it rots...if u can't detect a trace even after its completely dissolved den yr tank is ready...and dun forget yr 40% water change b4 adding fish

they're turning purple is a gd thing cos it means yr Ca, kh and current flow r appropriate

u can see my cycling story at http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...ic=24343&st=105

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  • SRC Member
One piece of advise. Only add one of two fishes per week after your tank is cycled. THis is because after add any fish, ur tank will go through a mini cycle again to cope with the bioload from new fish.

Btw, how big is ur tank and how many LR did u get? Cose the amount of LR will affect the whole biological filtration thus cycling.

Happy Reefing and Merry Christmas.

Anyway my tank size is 3by1.5by2ft......n i got abt 35kg of LR....30kg use for 1yr plus liao.. :D

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  • SRC Member
yr lr from previous owner means its definitely cured provided u didn't take long to bring it home...but it dun mean u no need to cycle

my rocks were like yrs...gotten from other reefers but i never take risk so i still went ahead and added a market prawn....after 4weeks of testing i never detected a trace of nh4 and that's wen i confirmed my tank is cycled

i suggest u do the same too...put in a market or half a market prawn then test for ammonia every 2daes as it rots...if u can't detect a trace even after its completely dissolved den yr tank is ready...and dun forget yr 40% water change b4 adding fish

they're turning purple is a gd thing cos it means yr Ca, kh and current flow r appropriate

u can see my cycling story at http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...ic=24343&st=105

wow ur tank is big man.,... :D

How i wish my huse can put in sure big tank....

So u reali dun detect any NH4 ah during ur cycling???? :blink:

So if e LR is fully mature,e bat living inside can reali help to break down NH4 ah??

Anyway i oso reuse e bioballs n ceramic ring fm e previous owner..He used ard 1000bioballs i think...I nvr wash it at all when i bring it home as he say some bat might still b in it so dun wash it..huh???? :erm:

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  • SRC Member

Hi all,

I'm a super newbie too haha. Just started my cycling process too. Hmm can i ask the big bros here,

1) Is it important to string up the rotting prawn? I just threw mine into the tank and it's lying on e sand bed now.

2) Is there anyway to increase the beneficial bacteria load? Other than packing my tank with live rocks. Hah btw, my tank is very small to put alot of LR in. It's 1.6 x 1.2 ft

Thanks lots! Hope I'm not hijacking this thread cos I thot my qn is relevant to cycling of new tanks. Thanks again and Merry Xmas everyone! :D

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  • SRC Member

1) Is it important to string up the rotting prawn? I just threw mine into the tank and it's lying on e sand bed now.

Its best that you put the prawn in a location where there is not much current. i stringed mine to a small piece of rock so that it will not be caught in the current and then breaks up to small pieces.


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  • SRC Member

wow ur tank is big man.,... :D

How i wish my huse can put in sure big tank....

So u reali dun detect any NH4 ah during ur cycling???? :blink:

So if e LR is fully mature,e bat living inside can reali help to break down NH4 ah??

Anyway i oso reuse e bioballs n ceramic ring fm e previous owner..He used ard 1000bioballs i think...I nvr wash it at all when i bring it home as he say some bat might still b in it so dun wash it..huh???? :erm:

the whole pt of cycling is to allow lots of the gd bact in the lr to fully grow so that it can remove nh4 and no2 so yes...since my lr full of bact i DID NOT detect a single trace of nh4 and no2

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  • SRC Member
Hi all,

I'm a super newbie too haha. Just started my cycling process too. Hmm can i ask the big bros here,

1) Is it important to string up the rotting prawn? I just threw mine into the tank and it's lying on e sand bed now.

2) Is there anyway to increase the beneficial bacteria load? Other than packing my tank with live rocks. Hah btw, my tank is very small to put alot of LR in. It's 1.6 x 1.2 ft

Thanks lots! Hope I'm not hijacking this thread cos I thot my qn is relevant to cycling of new tanks. Thanks again and Merry Xmas everyone! :D

not important to string it up la

as long as it rots

a wae to increase amt of bact in yr tank is to add coral chips in the sump like i did...u can see the pic in my tank thread

but u must clean every once in a while cos they trap dirt

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