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Corals Suitable for FOWLR


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  • SRC Member

Any suggestions for the types of corals that can be kept for a FOWLR 6*2.5*2.5.

The fishes that I intend to keep are tangs, shrimps, certain species of Angels and Butterfly fishes, anthias, belnny, gobies, wrasses (small ones).

I will not keep Triggers, Lions, Pufffers or Box/Cow fishes or other agressive fishes.

I am thinking of Leathers like fingers and sacrophyton, not sure about mushorooms (can keep?), will be using 6 tubes of Aquaz T5, 4 ft length.

Suggestions welcome. Thanks.

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  • SRC Member
He means FOWLRASC = Fish Only With Life Rock And Suitable Corals :D

then that's contradictory... u cant fish only yet with coral

that doesnt follow the standard english sentence structure ;)

if u put corals in then it's a reef tank already...

FOWLR setup requires simple equipments as compared to those meant for corals.... thus if it is a FO setup (e.g using only 1 or 2 X FL NO for a 2 ft depth tank), i dun find it worthwhile to try out corals

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  • SRC Member
I am thinking of Leathers like fingers and sacrophyton, not sure about mushorooms (can keep?), will be using 6 tubes of Aquaz T5, 4 ft length.

6 X T5s definitely shld be enuff for mushrooms n leathers ;)

u r currently on a FO setup, do u do regular water changes? cos once u hav corals, it wld be best to change 15-20% of ur water every 2 weeks, to replenish those used up nutrients n to take away unwanted nutrient buildup :)

sea fans and anemones?

i tink try easy corals like leathers n mushrooms n maybe buttons first... cos sea fans n anemones usually need more care... ;)

for gd, cheap, nice soft corals like mushies n leathers, u can try coralfarm... choose until u siao ;)

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  • SRC Member

Thanks for your comments, computer down at home unable to get into the net.

Does angels and butterflies nibble at mushrooms? I know that they nibble at zoanthids if I remember correctly.

Plan to change 15% water on a monthly basis, using a refugium/sump 5 ft*20"*22" with 4 sections. first for filtering water from main tank, second refugium (2 ft), third to house new fishes to settle in before placing it in the main tank and fourth for return pumps and skimmer Aqua C EV 240 powered by SEN900 pump.

Return pumps will ce OR 6500 and eheim 1262 and in tank circulation pumps will be 2 Seio 820. Thinking of using a spray bar at the back of the tank to push detritus to the front for easy cleaning. Tank will be bare bottom for easy maintenance.

Tank has arrived on Saturday and waiting for the silicon to dry (sealed on site as too big to carry up the stairs) , takes about a week before I can test iot with water, looks like I will be doing this on Christmas day!

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