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No Sale/Purchase of fish allow in forum?


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  • SRC Member

Saw this posting at Arofanatics. Any comments?

Dear Sir / Madam


The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) is the regulatory

authority that safeguards animal welfare in Singapore. In this respect,

one area under AVA’s purview is the display and sale of pets.

2. We have observed that your online forum page has frequent

advertisements offering ornamental fishes for sale. There are also

postings offering to buy fishes. We would like to advise that the

individuals who post advertisements to sell fish on your forum page may be committing an offence under Section 48 of the Animals and Birds Act 2002 which states that no person shall keep in captivity for sale, export or exhibition any animal or bird in any place that has not been licensed.

3. The Arofanatics.com website gets a good number of visitors. As such,

we would like to seek your assistance to provide information to the public

and educate them on regulations relating to the sale and purchase of

ornamental fishes. We would appreciate it if you could post the following

permanent message on your website:

“The Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA) would like to inform the

public that the commercial breeding of animals can only be carried

out on farms licensed by AVA. Pet owners who regularly breed and

advertise to sell pets can be considered as commercial breeders. An

individual convicted of breeding and selling animals from his

premises without a licence from AVA can be fined up to $5,000 upon


4. We seek your assistance to stop the illegal sale of animals over the

Internet. You can assist us by deleting postings by net users who

regularly advertise ornamental fishes for sale in your forum and providing

us with their details.

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  • SRC Member

I think they meant those forumer whom are breeding the LS at home without AVA license and selling through the forum. Not pple whom sell them off when they want to de-commission their tank or got sick of a particular LS.

“The Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA) would like to inform the

public that the commercial breeding of animals can only be carried

out on farms licensed by AVA. Pet owners who regularly breed and

advertise to sell pets can be considered as commercial breeders. An

individual convicted of breeding and selling animals from his

premises without a licence from AVA can be fined up to $5,000 upon


They will have to provide the information to assist in the investigation when the AVA produce a police warrant. (If I am not wrong)

We seek your assistance to stop the illegal sale of animals over the

Internet. You can assist us by deleting postings by net users who

regularly advertise ornamental fishes for sale in your forum and providing

us with their details.




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  • SRC Member

2. We have observed that your online forum page has frequent

advertisements offering ornamental fishes for sale. There are also

postings offering to buy fishes. We would like to advise that the

individuals who post advertisements to sell fish on your forum page may be committing an offence under Section 48 of the Animals and Birds Act 2002 which states that no person shall keep in captivity for sale, export or exhibition any animal or bird in any place that has not been licensed.

This one indicate that you need license to sell ornamental fish and corals. Only shops have that.

Any of our LFS sponsors willing to take our fish/corals to sell on our behalf? Of course they get a bit of commission lah..

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  • SRC Member

Oh dear...in that case how about us reefers who are selling our stuff here? :o

I know majority of the marine fish do not need cites until come Jan 2005 but for sps and certain lps, cites are required even to import them into Singapore.

If so, will it be an offence for us to sell off our frags? Guess we should try to make swopping sessions more regular in future... :eyebrow::rolleyes::P

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  • SRC Member
2. We have observed that your online forum page has frequent

advertisements offering ornamental fishes for sale. There are also

postings offering to buy fishes. We would like to advise that the

individuals who post advertisements to sell fish on your forum page may be committing an offence under Section 48 of the Animals and Birds Act 2002 which states that no person shall keep in captivity for sale, export or exhibition any animal or bird in any place that has not been licensed.

This one indicate that you need license to sell ornamental fish and corals. Only shops have that.

Any of our LFS sponsors willing to take our fish/corals to sell on our behalf? Of course they get a bit of commission lah..


These statement is double edge one. Wouldn't your marine tank be called an exhibit? Captivity ~ So donate all pets to SPCA???

You have frighten all the secondary schools kids here lah! If you read through that particular sub-forum, you will notice that this warning is targetted mostly @ those home breeders.

If they are so strict then they should also take action to those whom wanted to sell off their pets in the Yahoo Auction.




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  • SRC Member

This would generally refer to the home breeders who in freshwater will do it for the previous lou han and now most probably ST.

- Yes it would be an offence if anyone bred at home and sold it in the forum without AVA approval.

- we do try to patrol the buy/sell as often as possible and weed out commercial posts. sometimes things get thru but you need to know that you are responsible for the post and if need be the authorities will be directed to the offender.

ppl who sell corals harvested from local waters / ppl who sell commercially without license. ppl who try to cover commercial sales with hobby sales.

Yes it happens and they are deleted or moved to a locked thread.

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Agree...there were many cases where some reefers try to sell corals that comes from questionable sources.

We have actually stopped them over here...

same goes for the occasional commercial sales.

This only leaves me with one more questions...how about pple whose clownfishes has spawned and tried to sell the fries...??? (Though I have yet to see much success in captivity breeding here)

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No.1 pple selling LS in this forum treat it as selling their PET ! a.k.a TRANSFER of ownership.

Selling LS for money = paying other people to take care of it

Not commercial trade

my 2 cents


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