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What eggs are these?


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  • SRC Member

I try to take a more macro shot tomorrow but I can be pretty sure that it's eggs coz when I look closely they look like tadpole eggs with black dot on them. This is 1st batch which appears 2 days ago, today when I came home I notice a 2nd batch not far from these.




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  • SRC Member

Nope! not the ones in the blue small circle but those with white stuff and lots of dots on it with the light blue ring.

Anyone have a better idea?

Ls list

2 x Clarkii Clown (Don't know whether are they paired or not)

1 x Sailfin tang

1 x Purple tang

1 x Chervon tang

1 x yellow tang

1 x diamond damsel

1 x neon electric blue damsel

1 x yellow tail damsel

1 x 6 line wrasse

1 x 3 strip damsel

1 x 4 strip damsel

1 x MI

Invert. list

1 x CS

2 x blood shrimp

2 x pistol shrimp

1 x boxer shrimp

5 x bumble bee snail

5 x dwarf zebra hermit crab

2 x normal dwarf hermit crab




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  • SRC Member

My guess, bumble bee snail from your listed ls.

They doesn't look like eggs from a fish, maybe slugs?

I have seen slug eggs, does not look like it....

:) Greeting :)

Tank: 4' by 2' by 2' (CR antique)

Sump: 3' include 1' refuigm

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