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haiya... if you would have told me about your "CONFIDENTIAL AGREEMENT" with your OEM manufacturer in the first place i wouldn't have had to ask you so many times what.

then like its as though you were avoiding the question what. so it looked as though you had poor knowledge of your product or you were hiding something.

but since you have a "CONFIDENTIAL AGREEMENT" then i think i better not ask anymore la. must be at some place where you know, not many people trust, so ya la, won't ask.

anyway you know us singaporeans right? need answers fast and hassle free. so ask here la. but if you insist i can direct my questions to your website where you can read from there and reply me there and i can post it here for the pple who are interested to read. is that better for you?

and sorry but i don't understand this sentence "including your but your persistant questions are getting beyond logic for any consumerble items or products." it either just doesn't make any sense or you phrased it wrongly, but if i'm not wrong, you are saying that i'm being so persistent that my questions have become too illogical for your items or products that can be consumed, to understand?

or for you to understand? sorry i don't understand what that meant.

anyway i do use your products and all i wanted to do was merely find out a little more about what i was using, and simply where it was manufactured at.

didn't wish for it to turn into a heated debate and i didn't know that a representative of any product would seriously rather give up and recommend another brand.

to me it shows poor knowledge of a product and a lack of confidence in one's product.

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bro milky,

if you have been here long enough, you'd realise that most of the sponsors started out as reefers here. sponsors like DE, coral lab, reef maniacs etc etc.

Woonming alike has been ard in SRC before me. therefore, the mindset is usually still the same. As fellow reefers, we always try to recommend the best products/advises around your budget,space constraints and watever criterias that you might have. Thus, when you have doubts about the aquaz products, its only natural that WM propose that you try another brand. Definitely not becos he has no confidence in his product...but he is probably trying to give you the best advice.

I'm pretty sure that if this case happen to DE, joe or CM, they would have done the same....

but its just my 2 cents!


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Just KPO KPO a bit.

Personally, I don't find Milky san is been too much in his queries. And it sound reasonable for a consumer to know more, in order to appreciate the product better.

On the other hand, felt that Aquaz has no patience in doing business. Perhaps he could just answer Milky san more professionally and promptly. Things that are secret for the company, then just point them out straight, the consumer should understand it, which should not end the whole thing like that. It's just like u go to a shop and buy something, wishing to find out more about the product, insteads the salesman just give a cold shoulder. Like 1 2 or dun 1 2 entertain u, or tell u go and talk somewhere else, dun ask me here, how could u feel?

If bro reefers here wanted to start business, sure support, but if really into business, perhaps customer relationship cannot be avoided, if could not handle it professionally, then might as well close shop. Personally feel that's the facts.

Please dun flame me. Just a very personally opinion to share, which I could be wrong totally.


Items left...

Ehliem Wet & Dry 2223

Prizm protein skimmer

Coralife UV

Resun 650 chiller

Giving up hobby, due to family commitment.

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My 2 cents?

The approach is very important.

Sometimes, getting a quick & good response to an approach that doesn't seem non-hostile or suspiciously ill-timed may be expecting a little too much.

We're human after all, do cut a little slack. The atmosphere has been rather tense of late.

As far as I can see, Aquaz was forthcoming in answering the queries & rather professional about it too.

Perhaps Woonming did lose some patience at the OEM part but if you see the retorts from the enquirer, its no surprise.

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After reading the whole thread, I'm still puzzled abt which part on AquaZ is still not clear? Their product as in detailed info or who manufacture them? If its the latter, it has been answered being Aquaz had confirmed its an OEM. No company will tell you that they OEM from whom for simple reason, competition. Let have a simple example, does IBM or HP tells the consumer that they also OEM monitors?

If its about products information, you may want to highlight exactly which part are missing athought I believe most company will not tell u the details (trade or propietary info) except those on the lables .



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Wa kaoz.... I am only asking where is this AQUAZ additive being OEM? I am not

interested at all which company it got the OEM from but the country of Origin.

Can't a consummer has the right to know? OEM...OEM...OEM from where.. China?

Thailand? Taiwan? Those who does not want to know so be it... But I want to know!

This also does not concern whether I like it I buy, I dont like it I dont buy.

No link.. Question is not I like or not! Is all about what is the country of Origin

of AquaZ product. What is the problem for telling people where the product is OEM from?

How can a consumer buy something without knowing where is it from? just simply put

"formulated in EEC" that explains all? Come on, we are all not stupid here.

I want explaination from AquaZ not any tom, dick and harry. Unless they are too

scare to explain!

And and..

Do all of you want to know why I become suspicious about the products' country of

Origin? I remembered very very clearly and also gather confirmation from reefers here

(they are prepared to come out to testify here)

AquaZ website was last seen with its HEAD OFFICE at "ITALTY" but recently was

changed to become just the distributor!!WHY? Very very suspicious!!!!!

HEY come On.. Honesty!!!!

HEAD OFFICE now changed to "SINGAPORE"???

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What's all these fishy things going on about Aquaz???

Don't tell me i bought the wrong choice of additives??? ;)

But then again dosed my tank yesterday with Aquaz's Calcium Premium, Hydro Magnesium Premium and Alkalinity Premium and i got the perimeters i wanted! :D

Haha Good and cheap... Two Thumbs Up for great pricing and effectiveness, well maybe one thumb down for no seal... then again.. poor student like me... kekeke the first two thumbs is good enough. :D

Well, maybe Aquaz should really consider sealing, else those red-eyed American distributors might find a easy chance to sarbotage the products... :off: read too much Tom Clancy recently.

Didn't know its a local brand :o

The packaging does look damm stylo i must say

Btw the black bottle is real cool... just made a piggy bank out of it!!!

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Come on... please stop all these nonsense... You are acting like a kid.. just because woonming posted the link to the aquapharm saga doesn't mean he is out to destroy its image. If you look carefully, he wasn't the one who started the thread.

It's so clearly seen here that u r not here to ask questions but to create problems. From no seal to OEM to where they are manufactured... Aquaz has been answering all your questions. You even accused me of defending Aquaz when I just merely explained what is OEM to you. At that point of time, I thought that you were just someone who wanted to know more about Aquaz products, so I just helped to explain OEM. But now, the truth is out and you are just someone from another company who is having some trouble now and is now out to seek revenge. Come on, you are the one who has done something wrong. Admit it. Why pull off so much stunts? Isn't it now so obvious to the rest of us that this thread is started simply just to 'destroy' Aquaz rather then asking some simple questions?

I can declare that I'm a friend of woonming. Nothing to hide from you. I have never defended Aquaz before this post. But the more I look at this thread... the more my blood boils. Why on earth would someone be so childish? Concentrate more on how to save your company rather than to destroy another. If that company got nothing to hide, nothing you can do to destroy it. Why make so many enemies when they can be your friends??

For those who have been wondering and puzzled about the questions, now u guys know the truth. I'm sure only a few will catch it though.

Moderator: I would suggest that you remove the whole thread. This is going to get out of hand soon... This thread is started to start a war... not to ask any questions.

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hahahah...ekia relax lah...

i THINK i also know wat is happening and who MIGHT this fella be... :angel:

the truth should prevail soon, if not at least the best product will win afterall... :D

Aquap*** tat side also quiet, no one is interested in defending or wat so ever...in arofan, some one came out and said a few things and after tat disappear liao... :blink:

heard that woonming is outta town to celebrate christmas, or is he really hidding?? :lol::lol::lol:

lets not speculate anymore, let them settle it within themselves, boyd, aquaz aquap***...we just be kaypo and come here see see look look...

hmm..dunnoe leh..saw mr woonming online..but never answer to my questions..hmmz.........

fishy fishy 


seems like u are really tracking him down..

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This thread is going on the edge of flaming.

i would suggest that everyone take a step back. Ekia & typrobin i would suggest you do not assume the background nature of other members. This is why posts blow up.

milky & iewnehz- the both of you answered your own questions in your own posts....maybe you forgot!.

http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...15entry319332 mid page. :blink:

mod deepblue has already attempted to tone down the thread to no avail.

ever since the octo incident ,we spend more time containing these and other issues then we do talking abt reefing, i would rather have a beer & watch my tank.

i would advise all to take any personal vendetta out of SRC. As to the fate of the 2 threads, its up to admin to keep them.

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Hmm..I think I should go and rent the show..."Much Ado about Nothing" to watch liao... :P

Maybe I should try to gain some experience so that I can go and ask Colonel Sanders about the spices used and their origin? :rolleyes:


Honestly, I have never found anything inferior to the Aquaz pdts that I have been using although I am also a fan of KM's lugols... :D

Judge by the quality of my fish and my corals...this one cannot doubt, right? It's concrete proof... :D:rolleyes:

Moreover, the people I dealed with pertaining to the pdts, have all surpassed any doubts that I might have. :)

Well...to each his own...to each his own... :)

One man's gem is another man's poison? :rolleyes:

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firstly i was just a curious end user and supporter of aquaz just wanting to find out

about where the products were manufactured in, and why there were no seals on the bottles.

being a curious customer i just wanted to find out where the products use was made in,

where they were manufactured in. hence I checked the web site to see if it was listed there.

and when i checked again and realised their original head office at Italty was changed to

become only a distributor, I sensed something was amiss.

Flaming any party was never my intention,however certain individuals have decided that i was

related to the other company and started being overly defensive to my queries and even started

name calling.

I will not sit down and let these people call me names. Ekia, do not make assumptions and false

accusations if you are not certain of your facts. I am an end user, supporter of aquaZ (used to be at least).

wanting to find out more about the product i have been using. You accused me of "trying to destroy aquaz"

haha. come on pls grow up. you and your name calling, terms like "destroy", "war"? maybe you should stop

and think for a while. are you actually helping your friend? or causing more trouble? if you had kept quiet

and left him to answer my questions without making your silly assumptions, none of this would have happened.

yes i admit, my questions have been answered already. but i have learnt more than what i asked for.

mainly about the poor customer support, brushing off bluntly and chasing an end user like me to buy another brand,

and even accusing an end user of being a competitor.

Oh and after reading the thread in the other forum, why is it that when the same questions were asked

about the country of origin of the 2 companies, you were offensive there and very very defensive here?

you don't have to answer that if you don't want to.

And why should you tell the moderators to remove the thread? what have you got to hide?

damage control? Well i'm sure the moderators will know what to do, but I hope for the sake

of the other reefers here that this thread will be left open for everyone to read and to find out the "truth",

i quote you, for themselves.

thanks for reading.

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Whatever the motives, Milky, I believed you got your answer and I hope you're satisfied.

Everyone, kindly back off now and don't add anymore fuel to fire...

Any further attempts by anyone to stir up this matter again will see the immediate closure of this thread.

Two mods have already spoken their piece... comply immediately as I don't want to issue any yellow or red cards here.

Thank you for your co-operation.


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  • SRC Member
Whatever the motives, Milky, I believed you got your answer and I hope you're satisfied.

Everyone, kindly back off now and don't add anymore fuel to fire...

Any further attempts by anyone to stir up this matter again will see the immediate closure of this thread.

Two mods have already spoken their piece... comply immediately as I don't want to issue any yellow or red cards here.

Thank you for your co-operation.


no AT,

i have to make my stand clear 1st..


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  • SRC Member
Whatever the motives, Milky, I believed you got your answer and I hope you're satisfied.

Everyone, kindly back off now and don't add anymore fuel to fire...

Any further attempts by anyone to stir up this matter again will see the immediate closure of this thread.

Two mods have already spoken their piece... comply immediately as I don't want to issue any yellow or red cards here.

Thank you for your co-operation.


I agree with you... I shan't say anything from now one.. I have said my piece. Those who have followed this thread can see for themselves. Its so darn obvious ;)

Those who are interested in milky's accusations of me can search for all my posts in this thread and the 'other' thread. I have never done anything purposely to condemn another brand or to defend one. Moreover, I didn't even know about that company's connections until milky started name-calling that I went to find out.

I'm just speaking from a neutral point of view. If you guys are interested, I can even look for all my posts there and post for u guys to see. ;)

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I'm speaking from an Admin point of view... I want to keep the peace here online... there may be warring going on outside but I want SRC to go thru a peaceful X'mas.

The parties involved should go out for kopi and prata... sometimes talking face to face is better.

I repeat... PEACE!!

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aiyah, just keep quiet. this forum is for enquiries, then u all come in and quarrel. dun like the product, den dont buy lor, dun make things hard for other people. :angry:


Merry Xmas, everyone :)

Let peace and harmony prevail... :angel:


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