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  • SRC Member

hi guys,

seen you guys always mention about eballast... what exactly is it and what does it do? does it use tube or bulbs? if tube why cant just use the standard ones that is nicely fitted with a nice casing which is ready? :erm:


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I have limited knowledge on lightings but i do know that all lightings need ballast to operate.

The standard one that u find in LFS with fluorscent tubing are fitted with magnetic ballast. This is of lower standard as compared to electronic ballast(eballast) which are necessary for lightinigs like T5 and PL(power compact) lightings.

When u on the light, they do not flicker and eballast also produces less heat.

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  • SRC Member

hi hope that this helps to clear some doubt on eballast.

there are basically two type of circuit

the switch-start (glow-start) FL circuit and the Electronic Ballast circuits

when compared the Eballast have the following advantages:

1) Compatibility with ordinary fluorescent tubes

2) reduced power consumption

3) extended lamp life

4) Fast flicker-free starting

5) Cut-out to stop attempts to start failed tube

6) cannot be replaced by incorrect starter

The only disadvantage is of its high cost... i am not sure how come it cost, will check it out with my dad.

I don't think it is possible to ungrade using a existing FL casing unless u want to take out the wire and connect it out yourself. Anyway it is possible. if it is for me, i will surely re-wired my own lighting system... since i study electrical engineering...


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