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Montipora-eating Parasitic Nudibranchs

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Yo Juward,

Heard about your problem with the Monti slugs, don't know if you have already found this info... hope it'll help!

Click here

RC thread on reefers' experience

Nudibranch ID info



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Interesting articles there...

Jus to let you guys know that I found some purple flatworms lookalike moving around on my Montipora danae from RW previously.... sizing around 2-3 mm.....

Didn't wait to see if they pose any harm to my monti as I gave them a Fresh water dip.....

Question is that there are critters out there which does pose a serious thread to reefers prized collection of SPS.... and as we add in new specimens, there will be a danger that we might introduce these pests into our reefs unintentionally.......

And I dun think many of us practice quarantine here..... :unsure:

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thanx for the info AT.

didn't have X to reply, too much work goin on right now.

anyway i've found that there R more then 1 species of this little monsters in my tank, don't really know the ID of them all, but it seems that the those that feed on Monti's are much smaller in size, less then 1mm.

I've also found a similar nudies that feeds on Pocillopora and are also white, but much bigger, ARD 5mm in size.

The last species i notice are the ones that feed on Zonthids which are about 5mm in size too, N this guys have the same fluorescent pigments as the seamats which they feed on, N glows under actinic lighting. DAMN!!

Don't know if their all the same species but just adapted to feed on different corals, one thing for sure THEY ARE CAUSING HAVOCK!!!!!!!!!!


manual removal has cause great pain for my Lumbar 4-5, anyway hope to find a natural predator to terminate them.

pls do let me know if U guys would to come across any reference.

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