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Zeovit effects.


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  • SRC Member

Chefri, I am now using Tunze Carbon but soon will be changing carbon to maybe RowaCarbon. Heard its one of the best in terms of PO4 leeching.

DSB is still in the tank but now siphoning part of the sandbed to make it thinner as time goes by. Doing it when I do my water changes.

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  • SRC Member

guys, i notice one very cute effect for zeovit.....occasionly the mum will break away from the filter and i actually saw my kole-eye tang rushing to eat them!!!! guess it explains why that bugger is growing fatter and fatter despite not eating.....:)

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  • SRC Member

i think you definately need carbon....

my brown montie turns to purple within a week....but the other corals took weeks to color up....so guess its a matter of luck....

My warning is not to overdoes....when i first started, i read the instruction wrongly and overdoes....all SPS died except a encrushing monti and acro....:cry2:

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  • SRC Member

Chefri, I think Carbon is a must in the zeovit system. Its a complete system where evrything must be in place for optimum effects. The system also needs a lot of patience and if we are impatient and overdose stuff, it will result in STN/RTN of the acros cos the environment chnages too fast and the acro cannot cope with the changes :)

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  • 5 weeks later...


Read the guide. They said it must be followed to get good results.

I'm getting the zeo delivered today so I cannot give any feedback but here's what I know by reading the guide and alot of post.

If high nutrients in tank it may be a good idea to bring photoperiod down.

Corals from LFS that has been kept in high nutrients may not be as successful as getting wild caught corals due to the system having real low nutrients. Best to acclimate corals to light slowly.

Corals seem to be fed by shaking the zeovit media (people notice more polyp extension after feeding). This is probably important because the zeo system will drop the zooanthellale level of the corals and must be replaced with food for nutrients.

Due to low nutrients macroalgea will not grow. Corralline algea in some zeo tanks is low or non-existing.

Ca. and Alk levels should be kept at levels stated in the guide which is closer to NSW. This is my first challange since I keep dkh at about 12. Need to bring them down.

This system does not seem to be for reefers that are lax on husbandry. Weekly water changes, shaking the zeo and additives must be done. After what they call stage 3 which is when the system is low nutrient stable you don't need as much dosing so maybe it's easier then.

Please correct me if I'm wrong on any of these, I do not want to spread bad info, just saying what I've been reading.

I will post progress.


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