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help on my hammer coral


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I think it can tahan lah... if u have proper box and o2 bag. I think 200RM is really too ex.

I think we are priced around 30-50 depending on how many head and colours.

on the health, be careful when handling them... as one of the bro mentioned. I killed 3 head before coz I shifted them quite a few time for the past 15months since I have it.

When they grow healthier, the reverse may happend. My forearm was stunk by them and it is very itchy.

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  • SRC Member
i think if i bring back from singapore, all will halfway died :cry2:


1. Buy corals from the shop @ Woodlands blk 818 so the travelling time will be lesser.

2. Corals don't die so easily unless it's subjected to high temperature in your car. Just put them in the cooler box with ice will solve the poblem to temperature issue.

Personal experience, my corals were in the package for more than 5 hrs before I reach home and acclimate them b4 putting into the tank.

Agree with joeyttk that they don't really like to be touch on the "head", 2 of my corals (frogspawn and touch) die 1 head after another due to my stupid hand touching them. :cry2::cry2:




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  • SRC Member
2. Corals don't die so easily unless it's subjected to high temperature in your car. Just put them in the cooler box with ice will solve the poblem to temperature issue.

Personal experience, my corals were in the package for more than 5 hrs before I reach home and acclimate them b4 putting into the tank.

Agree with joeyttk that they don't really like to be touch on the "head", 2 of my corals (frogspawn and touch) die 1 head after another due to my stupid hand touching them. :cry2::cry2:

Hammers and frogspawn cost RM100 per piece, like the size of a fist. Spore has more choices for SPS, softies prices are similar, some cost more some cost less but Haiwaiian, Red Sea and micronesia/Fiji fishes are cheaper in Spore, like Purple Tang 4" cost RM150, YT RM95, Flame RM120, Golden Butterfly RM200, however there are less variety of fishes from other countries available in KL other than those from Indonesia

Corals and fishes can easily last 12 hours in a bag if it is properly sealed.

No need to put ice as it will stress the corals unnecessary, a friend of mine bought 2 bottles of coke to keep his SPS cool, one RTN upon reaching KL. What I normally do is to keep the coral inside the car where there is air -cond and not in the boot which is hot, if it is inside the car, you have no problems. I do this quite often when I do my shopping in Spore and I have no problems at all leaving fishes in the bag for as long as 13 hours but make sure it is properly packed. Coral Farm provides the best packaging, their plastic bags are thicker and the bottom corners are round and the top is fasten with a metal clip, very impressed indeed!

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