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Hi Janathan543, to your rescue!

Bukit Gombak - Xiao QuiLin park. Quary pond side. Use a small net, scoop toward the muddy bankside. Guarante small FW shrimps ranging from 10mm to 15mm size. Your new seahorses should love it. Do reserve some for me. Keep me posted of yor new seahorse condition.

Decentkid, No problem but please limit to just enough for couple of days. It will loadup your bio-system if dead.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to All, not forgetting our seahorses....

lolx thanks man... i'll try my luck in the next few days ba... but if there's sw shrimps to be caught the best lor... koz fw shrimps dies in sw... but thanks for the suggestions!

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well they finally tried nipping on frozen mysis... *phew*

havent gone fw shrimping yet but i bought a pack wit plenty of small ones... but juz as a sh started to move forward to see more clearly, the alligator pipe juz slurp it down... and the sh still cant get the smallest shrimp down.... still too big.... sianz

after i thawed a cube of mysis with some garlic mixture & squirt into the tank, they started to show interest oni after the mysis had landed on the bottom for some time... and they looked really hard & long before deciding to nip... even so, most of the time it was the female that was eating... the male like was just observing the female & the gator pipes makaning. till now there's no signs of thin sides of both sh tummy too... now the female had turned to almost all yellow, oni the top of the head & the spine shades of black & grey. the male remained blackish grey with the yellowish parts oni visible on his tail segment... why is it so? the female i remembered having the colour almost identical with the male... is it smt wrong with my water?

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plus my gator pipe had turned into a strange colour too... most gator pipe i saw were of a yellowish green with black streaks... mine was of darker greenish brown with faint red streaks throughout his body, concentrating more on his underside of his tail, bottom side edges of his body & sides of his head.... facinating... the gator i think was female, mostly greyish black with red streaks not dat striking as the male... is smt wrong with my water or the colours are okies de?

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