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repost... lps for sale


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  • SRC Member

small frag of this to be given free if a buyer takes all the abv together

a good 5 to 7 polyps.... some parts still recovering though

collection in the day at my plc in kembangan.... or kemb mrt in the nite

pm me ur prefered timing to come cos im plaining to fix up some stuff in my sump after removing these corals :thanks:


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  • SRC Member
bubbles... not pearls nor cat eyes... just small sized bubbles.... theres a white line on each bubbles... not a very defined line gg for 25

bro ur bubbles are cateyes.............

it is small because u never feed them............

i tried feeding my small pure brown bubbles and after sometime it became all cateyes...............................

it is those white strip make them to be cateyes...........


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  • SRC Member

bro ur bubbles are cateyes.............

it is small because u never feed them............

i tried feeding my small pure brown bubbles and after sometime it became all cateyes...............................

it is those white strip make them to be cateyes...........


:idea: really huh? :heh: no wonder the ahpek who sold this to me insisted that 35 was a dam cheap price already :blink: it was all closed when i got it a few months back :nc:

oh wel.... bubbles removed from sale... wana feed it till it goes dam fat and really look like big round cat eyes :rolleyes: nowonder the tenticles always come out... it must be hungry :lol: i tot cat eyes are just big bubbles :eyeblur:

so this is the updated stuff

lobo reseved for sirus

big brown blasto price reduced to 40 :(

small blasto frag still considering to sell ;) i tot green centred blastos are common :blink: dunnno y so hot

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  • SRC Member

:idea: really huh? :heh: no wonder the ahpek who sold this to me insisted that 35 was a dam cheap price already :blink: it was all closed when i got it a few months back :nc:

oh wel.... bubbles removed from sale... wana feed it till it goes dam fat and really look like big round cat eyes :rolleyes: nowonder the tenticles always come out... it must be hungry :lol: i tot cat eyes are just big bubbles :eyeblur:

so this is the updated stuff

lobo reseved for sirus

big brown blasto price reduced to 40 :(

small blasto frag still considering to sell ;) i tot green centred blastos are common :blink: dunnno y so hot

haha bro take a look at my thread see the different in bubbles

actually is the same thing..........

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adding more corals for sale due to cashflow problem

its really sad to see my collection of corals getting less and less :(

please support and try nt to bargain too much

im only keeping stuff with sentimental value and stuff which i can never let go :P

the worst part is i mite be going overseas during christmas break :cry2:

green prata with orange stripes.... only 20%orange like that ;) pm me ur price

bubbles back for sale 25

3inch plus brown maxi with alternate brown lines30

big brown blastos35

green trycahphillya with pink ring( tissue receede alittle but recovering well)10

suncoral colony half branching yellow half normal orange 20

yellowish bron fungia with purple rim and purple mouth 18

im kinda busy this weekend especially tmr.....

monday till 12 noon free-thats my preferred collection timing :)

i have ther right to choose who i wana sell it. not first come first serve but more if its convinient on my side ;) hope u guys understand.... poly started and im getting quite busy :thanks:

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