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Weekly Report 6 Dec - 12 Dec

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  • SRC Member

can't sleep again so here is an update for you guys...

nice corals spotted at aquamarin at jalan kayu.

RED lobo, Acros, nice luminous plates, red prata, cat eye bubbles, green sun coral, few types of favia, hammer, frog spawn, brain corals, marulina, squamosa.

thats all i can remember for now...

quite a number of each coral so is worth making the trip down...

good luck guys.

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  • SRC Member
can't sleep again so here is an update for you guys...

nice corals spotted at aquamarin at jalan kayu.

RED lobo, Acros, nice luminous plates, red prata, cat eye bubbles, green sun coral, few types of favia, hammer, frog spawn, brain corals, marulina, squamosa.

thats all i can remember for now...

quite a number of each coral so is worth making the trip down...

good luck guys.

yah!wah lau very the nice especially all the super red lobos!!!lots of big sized marualinas and hammers and such.dont believe what i say,just go down and take look for urself.

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can't sleep again so here is an update for you guys...

nice corals spotted at aquamarin at jalan kayu.

RED lobo, Acros, nice luminous plates, red prata, cat eye bubbles, green sun coral, few types of favia, hammer, frog spawn, brain corals, marulina, squamosa.

thats all i can remember for now...

quite a number of each coral so is worth making the trip down...

good luck guys.

Hows the acro... ;);)

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AquaMarin have

wild Acros and digi

Red and pink lobo very nice.

Giant Clams.

GREEN Plates

REally green frog spawn

They also have several baby short-tentacle plate corals, less than 1 inch across and a few per rock.

Quite a lot of gorgonians - blue, dark purple and orange with yellow polyps.

Green star polyps

Clove polyps

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Ya lor.. show acan from LCK leh.. i only saw one big rock green one..


Yumas greenish


RED lobo

Red cynarina

tiny purple tang less than 2inch

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acan what? lordhowensis? whats the pricing like? 200 for a small piece?

Nah...the lords? how about dividing 200 by 5? :eyebrow::eyebrow:

Anyway, there's still some full red pratas awaiting recovery. Still can get. :P

And there's many different shades of yumas beside the purple ones. Yuma freaks should try getting... :P

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totally in awe....LCK**0 really got solid LPS shipment

never seen so many Red Pratas(almost feel like a common coral..yawn :upsidedown: ) , pink yumas, true Octos and pieces and pieces of pink and purple tip elegance.

there are Red mouth Favias, Blastos, Cynarinas as well

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Let's go get some commission after we post this... :lol::lol::lol:

I am equally amazed that corals damage is neglible even after the 12 hours wait during transit to a very much later than expected flight. :o

Okay...let's spell out our objectives... :P

We wan more...we wan more... :yeah::yeah:

More of what? :rolleyes:

Actually not corals but rather discounts... :lol::lol::lol:

Sigh...if only the rics shipment was successful... :cry2::cry2::cry2:

Meanwhile...sick of seeing so many reds so choose this... :P



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totally in awe....LCK**0 really got solid LPS shipment

never seen so many Red Pratas(almost feel like a common coral..yawn :upsidedown: ) , pink yumas, true Octos and pieces and pieces of pink and purple tip elegance.

there are Red mouth Favias, Blastos, Cynarinas as well

i guessed i realli missed this super shipment..... :cry2:

hiyah fat hope in getting a pink yuma for christmas by now <_< but im sure the pink yumas will come again :rolleyes:

can ppl post pic of their acans? :yeah: wondered why the price dropped so much since the last shipment....there was an acan left in the display for abt a week and no1 bought it cause was quoted 200..... so much for a small piece and now super reasonable :) so who got them? :whistle:whistle

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i guessed i realli missed this super shipment..... :cry2:

hiyah fat hope in getting a pink yuma for christmas by now <_< but im sure the pink yumas will come again :rolleyes:

can ppl post pic of their acans? :yeah: wondered why the price dropped so much since the last shipment....there was an acan left in the display for abt a week and no1 bought it cause was quoted 200..... so much for a small piece and now super reasonable :) so who got them? :whistle:whistle

maybe becos they were way overpriced from the start? :P

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That time, that piece is because the boss was thrilled with it so he said cannot sell and if any customer really wans, then have to give a ridiculous price to 'scare' them off... :lol::P

Anyway, in the end, it is put away for safekeeping in a reefer's tank. :)

Infact, I know of people getting acans there at reasonable prices. Never one above $200. :rolleyes:

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