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achilles tang to feed

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how to make them eat.. sorry

juz got my Achilles Tang today and placed it in a beta box since this afternoon.... this is my usual practice because i don't have a quarantine tank.... i have thrown some pellets and flakes into the tank and it's not eating..... looks like it's going to discolor or die very soon if this continues.. and i don't dare to release it to join the other fish in the tank...... anyone got any idea how to make the fish eat.... my other fish don't have this problem.... thanks......


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actually...I find the AT will be highly stressed in the box and will not eat in such way.

This fish loves to swim.... putting him in a box will not do...

Best advice is to release the guy, let it get fully aclimatised, start pecking on the rocks and try your best to tempt it to feed with assortment of food ;)

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If you don't have a quarantine tank then like deepblue said just release it into your main tank.

If you don't have any other resident tang or aggressive fish that will stress your new AT and your tank condition is favourable for it then chances of success will be high already.

Mine only started to eat many weeks later, so don't be discouraged if it doesn't start eating soon.

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eh DB....

seeing ur post below mine...

just realised dat we joined SRC on the same day!!!



Yup....bro...remember those days where we have very interesting avatar and restricted sub-forum. You have yet to change your avatar since then :lol::paiseh:

Great to see you back ;)

and Rocky99, most impt thing about AT is not to stress it. BTW...do you have other tangs in your tank??? aggression will also deter the guy from fully establishing itself and start to feed.

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  • SRC Member

thanks guys for your very invaluable input...... the AT appeared very stressed when i first put it in the beta box, kept swimming against the base of the box.......

i shall release it into the tank now..... have got a yellow tang and blue tang in it..... yellow tang is very timid, swims away when i go near the tank. healthy neverthess... blue tang is peaceful... should be ok........


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so many ppl got AT ..*envy*but must wait until tnak is 1yr old than i will try.. :D

i think with the recent shipment i think no one care abt the 1 yr thing...

the mindset is tat as long as no itch seen in the tank, u can buy a AT liao

GIve up liao!!!!!!!!!!!

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agree totally that AT needs turbulence. it's a very strong swimmer who likes to 'play' with current.

notice many 'alive' AT keepers are having SPS tanks cos of the turbulence we give them.

be patient with them. they are fussy eaters but somehow can find food if acclimatised well.

gd luck! ;)

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wah!!!!!now adays most reefers have succcess in AT bah..

Not to sound too negative or pessimistic but I seriously doubt it.

AT's are very difficult tangs to keep alive and well in captivity for more than several months. The few reefers I know that managed to, that have fat and healthy AT's, they feed them a variety of food several times a day. And they have mega-sized super beckett skimmers. Their tanks range from 4 to 6ft. A 6ft tank or larger would be ideal.

I personally know of only one reefer in SG that has kept an AT for over a year.

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