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6 months of BMT


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  • SRC Member

i mean purposely fail .. but i know i will either way fail actually . so ... hahah .

10am now . leaving for the ferry in half hour . if anyone got anything terribly important to say to me .. do it in the next 10 mins

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toilet still cleaned by recruits lah.

only in my unit, HQ company toilets outside the PSO offices are cleaned by external cleaners. maybe other places as well.

don't fail everything. if not OOC, then you'll have to redo your BMT before you ORD. imagine, having recruit haircut on the day you take your pink IC. not fun.

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  • SRC Member

hahha...i did BMT 3 times.....1st time OOC because of chicken pox, 2nd time because of drug allegic, me very sick cat...:).....the 3rd time was nearly 3 months before ORD....by then more 'old bird' then the instructors and becuase of my active unit also know the WO in the camp, so no one really dared to 'touch' me....:P....

Luckly my hair grows very fast, so by the time go uni, all my hair grow back already....

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juz Serve And F*** (SAF) off....... why wanna "keng"? sometimes i find "keng" do more harm than good.

u gotta remember that whatever idea u hv for "kenging", most of ur instructors wld hv thought of them b4 too. ;)

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  • SRC Member

One guy went for med check during my time......`tat was more than 10 years ago'......& he told the MO that he has asthma......& the MO replied......

`Don worry......U can even survive Temburong'...... :lol:

Just to show tat wat ever Ur reason to `keng'....they already made the study to counter react..... :lol::lol:

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  • SRC Member

army is tough but quite enjoyable especially when u r young n fit lah. Just go in with the rite attitude and enjoy yrself........ U'll come out of it a better man

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

i dont feel like a better man , i feel worse. more .. unruly and violent . :) ( than i already am ) . every1 there is like on the verge of explosion . small matter quickly flare up . when 50 a side come on 1 storey and start shouting , and you are in the middle bunk trying to sleep .. quite a sight . tekong is like a chalet now . but i still feel fu**** up about NS . what a waste of my time . Im not unpatriotic . i just hate this country . dont talk to me about serve your homeland etc. this is the worst country in the world

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  • SRC Member


same sentiments here

feel its a waste of time

but i'm telling u...wen u go in...u see SO MANY types of people and u've got 2 yrs to really figure out wat u wanna do in life

trust me...by the time u come out...yr thinking would haf totally changed

in fact, i'd sae it'll be totally matured

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  • SRC Member

time to grow up and be a man. u are playing with the big boys now. believe me, you will gain much more if u go in with a positive attitude.

if u are now overweight, tis the best time to lose that dead weight and gain some self confidence. spend the 2 yrs productively by trying to learn as much as u can. tats only possible if u keep an open mind.

i say this from my own experience. me from old days of NS and OCS. -days of guys jumping off the top floor.

in the end i find that the scolding, shouting and the rest wasnt so bad. yr capacity to take shit will increase.

in civillian life, hv seen a lot of chaps (w/o NS) crumble at the slightest tough situation & constantly bitch whenever they dont get what they want. generally compared to guys of same age, mentally weaker & less mature in their thinking and ablility to cope with difficult people and situation.

dun bother to keng cos the instructors/officers B) know yr every trick.

finally, at your age, dun crap on your own country. ask yourself what have you contributed to this country.

i say this becos i came from a ops unit who trains to fight and win in a war.

yes, we are that serious. probably most of you guys at the NS unit level will never encounter such a environment/atmosphere in SAF.

dun belittle what the rest of the guys9present & past) had done/contributed to the defence of singapore.

hope i wasn't rude. my apologies if i was. :peace:



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  • SRC Member

i love this bit

"in civillian life, hv seen a lot of chaps (w/o NS) crumble at the slightest tough situation & constantly bitch whenever they dont get what they want. generally compared to guys of same age, mentally weaker & less mature in their thinking and ablility to cope with difficult people and situation."

very very true

in short...u'll be changed man...grown up man...its true wen SAF advertisements sae "where boys become men"

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  • SRC Member

i can become a man myself . dont need people younger than me shouting at me . Kids training other kids . acting all high and mighty inside . dont know what to say . we wouldnt make very good soldiers . why waste both our times .

hardship i can take . but the feeling of being forced to do something i really hate and stand against is pretty one kind .

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  • SRC Member
i can become a man myself . dont need people younger than me shouting at me . Kids training other kids . acting all high and mighty inside . dont know what to say . we wouldnt make very good soldiers . why waste both our times .

hardship i can take . but the feeling of being forced to do something i really hate and stand against is pretty one kind .

Think further and deeper... it is not only in SAF that you are forced to do something that you don't like. Next time, when you are working, you will be forced to do something that you don't like too. Be it a project or having to work with someone you don't like. Does that mean you are going to quit the company? In that case I can assure you that you won't succeed in life. Even if you are a boss of company, you won't have everything your way. You will be forced by circumstances.

Grow up. Don't waste this 2 years. There's a lot to be learnt...

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  • SRC Member

my apologies again if i come across as high & mighty. not my intention.

just hoping to encourage u to have a open mind to make the 2 1/2 years count for u.

hv known guys who gain a lot more (not in paper certificate-wise) and hv lots of fun/make lots of good friends :upsidedown: while there are those who went in with a tainted perception/negative attitude therefore suffer :cry: the 2 years feeling very unproductive.

it will be what u try to make out of it (hope it make sense).

if u want advise, well, may want to crunch on this: be humble, be helpful (esp to those weaker than u) have a positive attitude, most importantly, always flash a great smile :D

be mindful, that some unorthodox (correct spelling??) training methods may be used to test/expand your limits & capacity(mentally&physically). instuctions that seem ridiculous or doesn't make any sense at all. it may just be a means to jot u out of your comfort zone to assess yr ability to cope and overcome difficult situations.

u 'll find that platoon mates will be more willing to help/listen to you. your instructors will then be able to get to know you better, therefore recognise your abilities and give you due recognition.

peace :peace: enough said.

i wish u all the best.

be happy.

yours sincerely,


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you have no idea how many years of reservists that follows an officer....

for your info.....officers, specialists and other impt logistics people are the first to go in, laast to come out....which means they get 3weeks of reservists while a lot of the man(main body) gets 2 .... ;)

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  • SRC Member


okie.. DB.. thanks for filling me in. But dont forget hor.. the pay for officers are much better than the rest and I been to OCS school as a tour. Looks fun and gosh! 2 guys to one room and one bed each and one computer!! Shiok sia! and toliet damn clean! So when doing your big and small business..haha..NO PROBLEM manz!!!

Did i say the right things? Haha...

I say what i observe so dont flame me!! :evil:

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  • SRC Member

okie.. DB.. thanks for filling me in. But dont forget hor.. the pay for officers are much better than the rest and I been to OCS school as a tour. Looks fun and gosh! 2 guys to one room and one bed each and one computer!! Shiok sia! and toliet damn clean! So when doing your big and small business..haha..NO PROBLEM manz!!!

Did i say the right things? Haha...

I say what i observe so dont flame me!! :evil:

Don't think you have said anything wrong ;) Most ppl wants to get into OCS, nothing wrong :lol:

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  • SRC Member

they do ? I want to be frontline force . i want to kill people without having to run up and down hills all day . this vocation exists only in my dreams . but damn it would feel good .

I always help people . i sympathize with them . in the same situation as me . My fatherly instinct will come out :) . i always flash a great big smile and i actually find it fun pretending to be polite .

i wont love everything that comes in the way of my life ( do u ) . but sure i'll do it . i wont complain , i wont give up . i just thought id give my most humblest honestest opinion . everyone does things that they dont like . but if i make it a habit . im sure going to have a pretty sad life .

forced by circumstance? i rather force the circumstance to conform to what i want . but if i cant , then in the words of my CSM " Reach down . grab your balls . and squeeze tight "

Im a slitheryn . not a hufflepuff . if you know exactly what i mean , good .

Dont brainwash me

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