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Some sps shots in my humble setup

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I am defintiely willing to spread the gem ard...but as there are quite a few request for them...I am going to try and see if it is possible to frag them later...you can see from the pic....dun have as many branches(esp from the red stag) to go ard....

PRIORITY -> to Joolye as I have promised to frag a red stag and return to him when I bought it off him. Dun worry the mother colony is healthy and growing fast since I switched back to BLV 10kk bulb...

in no time ;)

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  • 7 months later...

Been a long long while since I last update anything....

been busy gaming, playing with baby, busier work committment too has taken me away from the reefing hobby a bit...

Results of lacking in tender loving care ........ a tank that has some algae prob, not so nice SPS(choco sticks)......lol

(i used to do so much more maintainance work ard my tank, messing ard with the corals-----I guess those MADE a lot of diff.)

Major work on the whole tank will be done in the following months...

Need to fix a phos remover now the zeo days are over... :lol:


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nah..my wife calls it a planted tank now...lol

brown brown acro all over...lol

anyway..dun believe what U see in the tank pic....I heavily photo edited it... :whistle:evil:

no matter what..as long as I am happy...its OK.

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truth is..I sharpen the pic a bit.... colour enhancement..my software dun have that function...:(..

using a D70s...still clueless how to take the shots well...colour lost in photo....must be the aperture or something...

Lousy photographer -----> me :lol:

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cool..thanks :lol:

but seriously..my stocking days are over....

I will let what I have grow and hopefully they will provide a more natural look to the tank eventually ;)

found another shot..my favourite soli table ---> only thing done to the photo --> reduce size :lol:


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Thanks for your kind words guys ....I am now just a happy reefer that wont go crazy over the coloured sticks anymore. Brown or dull acros are alright.....lol

hope to keep the record going on and document the devt of my reef tank... :lol:

A lot more to learn from all the gurus here...you guys have gained so much knowledge and experience in SPS keeping :bow:

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