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Live Rock in tank for 2 months


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I am in oversea so I have give away all my lifestock (except a damsel). Now my tank has only live rock and that little fish for 2 months. I did not switch on any light and there is a pump inside.

On the weekend when I go home, I see all the live rock has many brown algae on it. Also It appear to be very dark in colour. Will the live rock still function as a nitrate removal if I re introduce life stock in.

Is there such things as a "dead" live rock.

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On the weekend when I go home, I see all the live rock has many brown algae on it. Also It appear to be very dark in colour. Will the live rock still function as a nitrate removal if I re introduce life stock in.

no worries, they can be scarp off

but dun do tat ... it add natural colours to your reef

clean the tank walls /// tat will do

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I am in oversea so I have give away all my lifestock (except a damsel). Now my tank has only live rock and that little fish for 2 months. I did not switch on any light and there is a pump inside.

On the weekend when I go home, I see all the live rock has many brown algae on it. Also It appear to be very dark in colour. Will the live rock still function as a nitrate removal if I re introduce life stock in.

Is there such things as a "dead" live rock.

Bro,your LR has died on you.Better check ammonia and nitrite levels before you add in new livestock.In fact, your tank may be going through another cycling.Anyway the LR still can be used.

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I am in oversea so I have give away all my lifestock (except a damsel). Now my tank has only live rock and that little fish for 2 months. I did not switch on any light and there is a pump inside.

On the weekend when I go home, I see all the live rock has many brown algae on it. Also It appear to be very dark in colour. Will the live rock still function as a nitrate removal if I re introduce life stock in.

Is there such things as a "dead" live rock.

If your circulating pump is still running. It should be alright. In fact there are some reefers overseas that runs that cycle their tank in darkness for more than a year to build the masive amount pods and coralines. ;)

But on the safe side you might want to show us a pix of your tank now. ;)

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Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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