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[PrinCesS (",)]

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  • SRC Member
,Nov 29 2004, 12:03 PM] Darn. Powersource is back.

So far thats the black out is e best thing that happen to me today .

I trip and fall twice while boarding the bus and walking up e stairs :ph34r:

Whats worse can happen on a monday :snore:

You know what to check for when you trip and fall?












Check whether anyone is looking. :lol::lol::lol: This is first reaction my ex-boss did when she trip and fall at gthe stairway. She only notice the wound/pain when she get to office. .... Alamak, woman hah.... :blink::blink::blink:




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  • SRC Member
,Nov 29 2004, 03:09 PM] Ya ... you know those women's stupid high heels.. step on you really can kill...

somemore i can never get heels the right size , leave a gap behind let people step on me  :cry2:  :cry2:

Will princess, you will be surprise that my ex-boss actually trip on her less than 1" heels. :P:P:P

:off: And stop scratching your nose.




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  • SRC Member

How lousy can this gets man.. now talking about my feet :heh:

Perharps Everyone can chip in their monday sorrows .. :upsidedown:

Kids size?! kidding ah ? if lucky got size 3 or not then size 4 .

Office only can wear heels what.. if can i wish to wear slippers man spare me those

sore feet/twisted ankles :lol:

anyway when angry can step on male collegues 's feet :evil:

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