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Sun Coral turning white


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  • SRC Member

Help! My sun coral is turning white.

It started with 1 or 2 poly having some brown mucus. bubbles appear together with these brown mucus and then, they disappear and move on to the next polys, leaving white cal. skeleton.

Is there a way to help the Sun coral? or is it destined to die like that!!!!

I tried to wash off the brown mucus but it came back very fast within 1 day.

Is it a disease or a virus, baterial or some kind of parasite? Help! :(:(

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1. Do you feed your Suncoral every 2 days with Brine Shrimp or chopped small 'sea food' on each poly? If not, usually it would not last more than a mth.

2. Where you place the suncorals, if direct under the light may caused it die

3. How the water flow. Suncorals require good water flow and ofcos' gd. water parmeter.


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  • SRC Member

Is there a medication for brown jelly?

I really like the Sun Coral as it is the only one that does not need lights like metal halides, etc. AND when it opens, it is really nice.

If my Sun Coral really dies (seems like beyond hope oredy), how long must I wait before the water are cleared of these nuisance brown jelly baterial?

(I'm thinking of getting another small one.)

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Medication............Nope, not that I know of.

How long to wait before replacement? actually no idea, cannot help.

Last week my brain got brown jelly and it kill off some of my poci colony.

Lucky it did not spread any further. touch wood

It is best to remove the infected colony from the tank, which I did not do out of stupidity.

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This may sound silly...but washing ya sun coral quickly under running fresh water may help....i did that b4...(but! it could be a coincidence that it worked for me)....

Anyway...if I am not mistaken...AquaMart sells a coral dip solution....I cun remember wat brand either....seen it b4...but decided not to purchase it in the end...dun koe why also :)

I'm gonna break the cycle

I'm gonna shake up the system

I'm gonna destroy my ego

I'm gonna close my body now

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If possible, frag the coral above the brown jelly line. There might be a chance the healthy part may live.


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  • SRC Member
Tried running fw over it but still it came back.

In fact, now worse. 3/4 of it is infected. Looks like no turning back.

sigh............... :(

Ahh! Sorry, I didn't see this thread. Brown jelly is caused by a bacterial infection, possibly vibrio spp. bacteria. The seachem iodine solution dip would have helped or just an iodine solution dip with Kent Marine's Lugol solution or similar.

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