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any 2B riders here?


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  aStRoBo| said:

lol.. can can.. any motor diams to intro?

juz buy a cheap 2b bike save up 4 ur 2a bike B)

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  • SRC Member
  aStRoBo| said:

lol.. can can.. any motor diams to intro?

Cheem question!

Lost touch in the motorcycle world already. Almost 7 years liao.

My last bike was a Kawasaki 400.

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  • SRC Member

might wanna go take a look at those bukit merah bike shops..

Albert Motors would carry almost any bike u wanna buy! :lol: their prices i have to say is a little on the high side.. the always promise 2 free helmets and bike cover or raincoat la or what nots but u usually won't use that.. u'll buy another one that looks nicer.. :rolleyes:

ppl usually go to that shop because if the insurance thingy that they have.. actually, lets say if u want your dad as main rider and u as sub rider for cheaper insurance, your dad has to have a 2B lisence at least.. BUT in albert motor's case, even if your dad don't have lisence also can apply... i think it's the only shop that does this but im not sure.. might be VERY FEW that offer this kinda service because it's partly illegal because the main rider cannot possibly ride the bike so you are actually the 'main rider' :P

what kinda bike are u looking at? sports?

The world is such a wicked place,war btween the human race. People work to earn their bread,while across the sea they're counting dead

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:lol: ok no prob.. check out the shop beside albert.. they have ALOT of SP on display there.. ;)

good luck in your search! :peace:

The world is such a wicked place,war btween the human race. People work to earn their bread,while across the sea they're counting dead

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