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Zeovit Method


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  • SRC Member

There are many effective reefing methods & systems and I adopted the zeovit system for my "new" tank.

My tank was set up on 4 Oct 04 and I started the zeovit system on 11 Oct 2004.

My objectives are:

1) Algae control

2) happy SPS :D

3) (hopefully) lower cost ;)

I use the system to reduce nutrients, PO4 & NO3 to achieve objective 1 & 2 and other zeovit supplements for objective 2.

The system I used comprise the following:

1) DIY zeovit reactor

2) zeobak

3) zeofood

4) zeostart

5) zeolith

and the supplements are

6) Amino

7) Flourine

8) Iron

I place the carbon (in a mesh bag) in the sump and my skimmer is EV120 & CR is Cookie's DIY CR.

The water parameter:

1) Ca 440-460ppm

2) ALK 6-7 dkh

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  • SRC Member
It sure looks much cleaner ... it is the zeovit or your cleaning crew :D

The cleaning crews also play an important part ;) .

But I believe the system is very efficient in reducing nutrients as the bryopsis (which is very tough to destroy and not eaten by tang and it grow very fast) also disappeared.

The right side of the oxy used to be colonised by thick and bushy bryopsis. No matter how thoroughly I removed them, after a couple of days, they returned. Now, after couple of weeks, the algae did not return :rolleyes:


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I believe the zeovit reactor plays a lot in the general effectiveness of the zeovite medium.

I placed my medium in a bag....and though I have a lighter bioload and started the tank earlier than you....I am still plagued by algae.

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for max effects they recommend to house the zeolites in a reactor with flow rates of around 400 litres per hr for 1000l of media. Any higher than that then you change out period will be shorter, any lower then the effect won't be there.

They also recommend the media be cleaned at least once a day.

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yup..I know....too bad my wallet disagrees at the moment :lol:

zeovit reactor not very cheap yet..... :lol:

I am waiting for the an alternative option ...hope it comes soon

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There is a difference one.. especially when compared to when I was using the zeolite in a regular FR vs this reactor with a handle for pumping the media. With this reactor when I pump the media, the water in the main tank will turn slightly cloudy as the mulm are released from the surface of the zeolites... maybe you might consider kneading the filter bag on a daily basis... might help too.

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I shake the bag everyday....but dun thing enough water flow thru the bag to have sufficient contact to show its true efficiency.

Still believe the reactor is a must. Bonus coming soon...pray pray :P

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my cheap diy zeovit reactor

cost around 20 plus only

come with a centre handle for pulling up and down to clean

the zeovit make from pvc tube

but your reactor cannot interval unless you sump water level is high enuff to cover the zeolites when the pump is turn off :P

But for $20 cannot complain. DB what are you waiting for?

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  • SRC Member
I believe the zeovit reactor plays a lot in the general effectiveness of the zeovite medium.

I placed my medium in a bag....and though I have a lighter bioload and started the tank earlier than you....I am still plagued by algae.

The zeovit reactor is very important as it forces the water to go thru the media from below (fluidised effect) as compared to bag where the flow through may not be as good. The cleaning (or shaking) of the media is important to the system too.

At the same time, it was recommended to on/off the pump to the reactor every 3-hours interval for effective reduction in PO4.

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  • SRC Member

It took me 6 weeks to finish a 10ml bottle of zeobak and roughly @ 150 drops. Now my dosage is 6 drops, 2 times a week which takes @ 3 months to finish a bottle. So my cost is @ $12 per month

Zeofood & zeostart balance @ 80%, which means that I have used @ $10 worth of food & start per month.

My next change of the zeolith will be week 8 (or maybe 10) and the cost per month is @ $16.

I replace 500ml of Carbon every month, ie $10 per month

So the estimated monthly cost to run the zeovit system is $48.

The 3 supplements cost me @ $98 and I have used @ 10% in a month.

Personally, I find the system cheaper to maintain compare to my previous setup. ;)

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The dosing regime that I follow religiously :D

Week 1 & 2

zeobak/food/start - 6drops/6/1ml everyday (after work)

"clean" the reactor 2x a day (morning b4 work and evening after dinner)

Week 3 & 4

zeobak/food/start - 6drops/6/2ml every other day (after work)

"clean" the reactor 2x a day (morning b4 work and evening after dinner)

Week 5 onwards

zeobak/food/start - 6drops/6/2ml 2x a week (after work)

"clean" the reactor 2x a day (morning b4 work and evening after dinner)

amino - 6 drops everyday

flourine - 6 drops 2x a week

iron - 2 drops 2x a wekk

Weekly water change: 5 gallon every week to replenish the trace element.

Monthly change of carbon and used @ 500ml.

My good reefer friend commented that this system is good for religious reefer who can follow routine religiously :lol:

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My zeovit system is only 6-7 weeks old and I believe (no scientific reason :D ) that only at the end of week 12, I can see better improvement in the sps. So, still long way to go ;)

For the time being, I will not be using zeospur, ME etc so that the system is simpler, ie basic system will the 3 supplements.

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There is a difference one.. especially when compared to when I was using the zeolite in a regular FR vs this reactor with a handle for pumping the media. With this reactor when I pump the media, the water in the main tank will turn slightly cloudy as the mulm are released from the surface of the zeolites... maybe you might consider kneading the filter bag on a daily basis... might help too.

I also divert the outlet of the Zeovit reactor and allow the return to drain into the compartment after the skimmer, so that the mulm willl not be skimmed off. This will allow 100% of the bacteria film to flow into the main tank and this bacteria will become food to the corals.

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looking at the price of the original reactor, i am beginning to think the reactor bit was over hyped by the manufacturer so as to gain maximum returns from users of zeovit.

if you look at the zeolith size, they are pretty big and no matter how to place them, there will be channels. water being water, i doubt it will actually go through the zeovit even if you push high water volume through it. the water will juz go along the channels.

as for shaking, i think diy is better cos when i shake, i can shake the bag left and right, up and down, over turn, etc. with the reactor, it is juz a up and down motion, and probably not as rigorious.

the above are my 2 cents worth and the reason why im doing it my way after much thought and consideration.

DB, algae bloom could be due to ur zeolith unable to remove them fast enough, ie you are generating more than your zeovit setup can reduce. i got this algae bloom after my tank crashed and i resisted putting in more zeovit as i do not want to overdose. if u gung ho, can put in more zeolith and zeobak :P but i suggest you use chemical to reduce the nutrient level until it is low/zero and let zeovit handle the rest. im seeing success in doing this. juz like rowa, etc... u dun use them to bring nutrient from high to low, instead use it to maintain or reduce to zero. otherwise, u r juz burning $$$.

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I could speak for a proper zeovit reactor as I had used the zeolites in a mesh bag in my sump, in a normal FR as well as a DIY zeovit reactor with handle to pump the media.

I think the advantage of a proper reactor can be only seen after you used it. When the pump the handle up and down the zeolites will be going up and down but the stones will be turning as they goes up and down, the effects can be seen by temporary cloudiness of the tank water and more output from my skimmer almost immediately after cleaning of the media. I do not see this effect when I used the filter bag or regular FR. IMHO this shows that a proper reactor can clean the media better, you can also control the flow rate thru the reactor and it is possible to interval the reactor leading to higher rates of nutrient reduction. By higher reduction of PO4, NO3 can be reduced faster :P

Just a side note, my softies are 2-3x the size now compared to before the use of zeovit.

If the amount of zeolites used is correct then there is no reason to increase that amount as you risk RTN on your SPS.

To battle the algae I guess more zeostart should be dose and that's if the food7/bak dosage is already at the max recommend (2 drops/100ml)

Actually deepblue did not provide more info like how the amount of zeolites being use, his tank volume and how much stuffs he is dosing so a bit difficult to troubleshoot.

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  • SRC Member
To battle the algae I guess more zeostart should be dose and that's if the food7/bak dosage is already at the max recommend (2 drops/100ml)

The diff betw zeovit & PO4-removal media is to reduce nutrients SLOWLY and CONSISTENTLY.

If algae blooms due to high nutrient, then be patient and the benefit may take a longer time to see compare to a tank with lower nutrient.

I prefer to follow the manufacturer's recommendation. ;)

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LinkinPark, it is very nice of u to share with us your venture into Zeovit method. It will be even more beneficial if u can let us know some of these details:

1. Tank vol

2. Bioload such as how many fishes (sizes), corals

3. Are u a DSB owner

4. How long your tank has been running

5. Did u practice the 3hr ON/OFF

I guess such information will help us to "estimate" the amt to use/dose when we do start using.. :thanks:

Btw, i have seen a number of times when someone mentioned phase 3. What does that mean? When are u consider in phase 3? After few mths of usage?

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