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FOWLR Lighting


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so it's mean light at FOWLR just as we can see our fish in the tank, isn't it ? yesterday i see a FL tube that have 6200K can i use it at my FOWLR ? because its price is so cheap (if in US $ about $1, i'm living at indonesia)

thanks for attention...


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  • SRC Member
so it's mean light at FOWLR just as we can see our fish in the tank, isn't it ? yesterday i see a FL tube that have 6200K can i use it at my FOWLR ? because its price is so cheap (if in US $ about $1, i'm living at indonesia)

thanks for attention...


yeah u r right... for FOWLR.. lights are for viewing purpose only.. some may prefer better/brighter lights like T5s as it can bring out the colour of the fish better...

Anyway u got a huge tank! Hope to see a picture of it... :P

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With a FOWLR tank, as long as the lights are clear enough, it should be ok.. unless your fishes are green with chlorophyll... LOLs... :P

hehe.. just joking.. really you won't want too good lights or leave it on too long as it will just breed more algae.. just get those which utilizes less wattage and colour wise (amt of k) depends on yourself..

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • 2 weeks later...

hi, sorry i want to put my tank picture here but i don't find my digital camera and i looking at it....and finally i found it at my brother house.... so this my tank.... please tell me if my setting is wrong....


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How about getting a long actinic blue tube to balance out everything? Doesnt' seem nice leh(or issit my imagination?), 1 side looks cool 1 side looks warm. Apart from being not so pleasing to the eye(at least to me lah :P ), i don't think there's much of a problem with this setting.

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Hi finally i met u here. Eh, as for my suggestion, i think ur sump are way too small, you have 2 meter tank and i try to guess from ur pic, i think less than a 1 m, or may be approx 1 m, is that correct? I think u need a bigger sump and you better set a prefilter space to filter the debris and poo of ur fish. Your return pump are also too small for your huge tank, i agree with kalib, i think ur lamp is need to be re-arrangge again or u better use 2 combination only, which is blue and white color. I think for ur tank, u need at least 6 pcs @40 watt flourescent.

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hehehe hello mr.asfur... i feel strange when i write my reply in english to mr. asfur.... but i have to doing it.....

my sump has size 1,2 m x 50 x 45 cm, 1st compartment i fill bio ball, 2nd filled with weipro SA 2014 protein skimmer, 3rd refugium (50cm), an the last one filled with return pump although according mr.asfur that's less enough.... and i plan to change my return pump with resun king 6 that have 8500 lph.

and the light i don't using the lamp before 5 pm because the i use sun light and my soft coral can growth better with if i using my FL light...

and i plan to using t5 (maybe aquaz) 3ft x 2 because i think that has bright enough....

mr. asfur, have you advice for me about that.. ?


edi susanto / bart2000e

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