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  • SRC Member

JUst some experience sharing:

Guys, I started cycling my tank mid of July, took 2½ weeks to complete with ammonia and nitrite close to 0, nitrate 25-50ppm. I started to add fish, more and more, 11 clown, 1x9" blue face, 1x9" blue ring, 1x6"blue tang, 1x3" yellow tang, and 7 angel fish, 2 lionfish, 3 damsel, and some other small fish.. total about 30 fish altogether.

With an outbreak of ich and parasite 2 weeks ago, I put in 120 drops of MedicCure blue solution, overdose, whole tank blue, but according to instruction, i am suppose to put in 300drops (1drops per 2 liter). SOme fish die immediate, some fish body rot.. most fish suffer eyes cloudy.

So today, I left 4 clown fish only, and going to die soon. NH3 and NO2 close 0, but NO3 75ppm after 50% water change. Till today my skimmer still collecting blue color solution in the container. I even use those denitrator pellet and 2 pieces of polyma filter to help remove NO3.

I am wondering what is the main reason with the 4 activities below

1) overdose of mediccure

2) high concentration of No3

3) rearranging of liverocks

4) 50% water change

5) adding of sand

Currently I have added 120kg of sand to my tank. Create a slight slope, with front 4½" and behind 8" of sand. Hope this can help in long run.. do not want such mishap to happen again..


Tank 4x2x2.5

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  • SRC Member

I agree with everyone with respect to overstocking.

There is too much fish and you added them too fast.

I am extremely surprised that your NH3 and No2 levels show 0 There must be something wrong with your test kit with so much bioload on your tank. What brand are you using?

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  • SRC Member

Overstocking alone is bad enoff...

I also notice that in your old set up, you have moved the LR around... disturbing your LR too much will cause some LR die-offs and give your tank an ammonia spike... Also, moving your LR around with fishes in your tank can cause serious stress to your fishes making them sceptical to diseases.

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  • SRC Member
your 8 inch sandbed will not be effective...the sand grain size is too big.....u need those sugarfine size 0 sand for it to work...and even if it does...results do not kick in fast....many many months before nitrate reduction takes place on merit of the DSB....

Initial I have 60kg of grade 1 and 3 sand to fill up 3-4".

Later on I added on another grade 0 X 40kg and grade 1 x 20kg

Now total 120kg sand.. front 4½" and back 8" thick.

So the top most layer is super fine.

I know that DSB will only mature 9mths later, that's why I am using some denitrator pellet and polymer filter, and protein skimmer to reduce No3. Also change water occasionally.

I have already build another small tank underneath my tank to keep macroagle.

At this point of time.. I learnt my lesson and only add fish and coral slowly when necessary. Wait for the last few nemo to die first, wait 1 mth before adding again)

I am also using a domestic long fan (ichiban brand $50+ with remote control and timer) those long stand fan about 2½ ft height to blow the surface.. Much cheaper than those motor fan selling in LFS..costing $70+ per small fan..

Not to surprise you with just a fan, the temperature reaches 26.8°C last night when I switch on my aircon.. damn cool. Normal day is 27.5°C.

Only problem is water evaporate fast.

Tank 4x2x2.5

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