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My 10g nano


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good grief...that will make everyone envy u

U should place a clause there:

Research knowledge and Experienced care required with rigourous maintenance.

I afraid newbies tthink it is affordable and easy to have...just cut n paste.

If they do not invest like the lighting u have or the maintenance schedule u adhere how can they possible achieve that.

My EDO in company is almost like that. has everything except lights (proper).

How to achieve half of yours (plus the tank is 30 gallons)

Hope she does not come to hear about this...oopppps

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My nano-reef system and husbandry.

The setup...

- 10 gallon acrylic tank and 4 gallon refugium

- Ice Probe chiller

- Sanders Piccolo protein skimmer

- Mini power filter w/ Rowaphos and p. skimmer sits in Millenium 2000

- Lighting 2X55W 10K PC, 1x55W 17K blue PC, 1X15W actinic (to simulate dawn and dusk)

The water...

- Ph: 8.0 low 8.3 high

- Nitrite: undetectable/negligible

- Ammonia: undetectable/negligible

- Nitrate: undetectable/negligible

- Salinity: 1.025

- Calcium: 400-420ppm (Salifert)

- Alkalinity: 9DKH

- Temperature: 79.7 low 82.4 high

** 20% water change every two weeks using Tropic Marin salt. RO/DI water top-up 0.2 gal daily.

The supplements...

- trace elements

- calcium, strontium and iodine

- amino acids

The food...

- phytoplankton 1x/day

- fish food/pellets/flake 1x/day

The inhabitants…

LPS - white alveopora, green/white alveo, torch, yellow cup, pipe organ, fox, candy cane, pastel yellow goniopora

SPS - assorted acropora, montipora and seriatopora

Soft coral - Dendronephthya (carnation tree), red chili, colt

Polyps - clove, yellow, green star, brown

Zoos - orange, yellow, green button, brown button, red, etc.

Shrooms - blue, green hairy, etc.

Inverts - cleaner shrimp, acro crabs, porite shrimps, misc reef crabs, X'mas tree worms, feather duster worm, diadema setosum (long-spined urchin), snails

Clams - tridacna maxima, t. crocea, t. derasa

Fish - tomato clown, false percula clown, yellow canary wrasse, blue-yellow damsel

Other - millepora sp (fire coral)

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Dan... Tot the water outlet of the power filter will cause the water to splash and make a lot of micro bubbles in the water... How you managed to solve that prob or you dun have that problem...


Didn't have that problem. The overflow was level with water in the tank, hence no splashing and micro bubbles.

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