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Singapore IDol FInal.**unpredictable**


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  • SRC Member

IT is idol competition, not really sing competition.

I agree olinda have a very very good voice which i like it a lot, but sadly, she does not have the figure to be a idol, no offend to her, but to SG, slim is nice...

Got to miss olinda voice..

SLy all the way

GIve up liao!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • SRC Member

it's not that there are more bengs or lians...

its that most Singaporeans are too cheapo to support.

its the younger crowd who have the willingness to spend.

and not many of them appreciate talent over good looks or presentation.

honestly, how many people will bother or waste money to send an sms?

i did, but i only support maia, when she was eliminated,

i stopped watching.

please..no offence but Leandra? :erm:

sly? improved but no.

taufik? he's good now....but he used to suck

olinda has a really powerful voice....

but she doesn't cater to the masses...too butch,

even in a dress....songs..YEAH!! concert, MTV material?...NAH

jessea...now thats a babe!!

can sing too....

but no lian appeal :(

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  • SRC Member

u wont be suprised to noe tat in the market, there's already alot of Olinda's voice-alike. And her attitude isn't right from the start, she juz dun care abt team work, tat is the few episode i see. Im not against her tat is.. my 0.02cents with GST. :peace:

Everything's sold. Back in 2yrs time.


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  • SRC Member
haha...i didnt sms...cheapo me...hehe....yea..i also support maia...but also taufik and olinda...and i still cant understand how in the world maia got out... 

the lians jealous of her what...

got rumour she and sly dating :sick:

is she singing at brewerks again?

miss her there.

that time SI got clause say she cannot perform till it was over :angry:

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  • SRC Member

IMO Taufik definitely deserves to be in the final...

i think he has the second best voice in the competition after olinda but he's definitely the BEST entertainer/performer in sg idol... he got the moves alrite..

and sylvester?? he just CANNOT be sg idol lor...(me apologise to all sly fans..)

just imagine IF there is a S.E.A idol or even worse, world idol and sylvester were to take part... :sick: he will be a bad representation of sg man!!

my dream final would be taufik and jeassea!

i dont know why she's booted out so early... i mean her voice is good and not to mention i think shes the only one in the finals that actually look good! hehe...

maybe she gt not much uncle,auntie,ah ma,ah pa and RELATIVES voting for her <_<

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  • SRC Member

YES! I hope Taufik wins!

do u know the winner will be representing SIngapore in World Idol 2?

The whole world will see singapore's Idol!

if Sly wins the whole world will think singaporeans are all ah bengs who cannot speak english well and cannot enunciuate accurately. sorry thats my impression of sly... an Ah beng who cannot pronounce properly and has lousy fashion sense..

Taufik is definitely better idol material.. better representation of SIngapore as well..

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I'm for Taufik, but to be honest, I did not vote from the inception of the competition, not that the $0.50 is gonna hurt me if I do, however, I tink it is a total rip-off by TCS to charge $0.50 for people to vote?? If it's like maybe $0.20, I dun mind pumping in some 10-20 calls, but to make 20 calls and spend $10?? i tink it's nuts! I'm not about to be ripped-off by some lousy TV station...

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  • SRC Member

yes... that why I think that there is a possibility that the voting for singapore idol system is a farce.. might all be just controlled by the record companies, mediacorp or the judges.. the votes might not count at all.. haha.. $.50 per vote?! a total rip off!!! too much liao.. for american Idol it was free! if it is free it'll be a better gauge of the siongaporeans' choice.. but maybe they can limit every hp number to one vote

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  ryz said:
yes... that why I think that there is a possibility that the voting for singapore idol system is a farce.. might all be just controlled by the record companies, mediacorp or the judges.. the votes might not count at all.. haha.. $.50 per vote?! a total rip off!!! too much liao.. for american Idol it was free! if it is free it'll be a better gauge of the siongaporeans' choice.. but maybe they can limit every hp number to one vote

American Idol was free meh bro? If its really the case, this is a blatant case of profiteering!

Haiz... good thing I didn't vote at all, would be mroe angry now if I did! :angry:

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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  • SRC Member
  Terryz_ said:
Too bad... Me, die hard fans of sly... Agreed that he sang quite badly last nite... But will still support him... Hehe...

Maybe i am prejudiced against Taufik... Dun quite like him but i admit he sings very well...

same with me... i predicted oli n sly will be in the top 10 since the audition.. only chose these 2... n they make it top the top 3.. :) ...i dislike taufix coz of the eyeliner thing around his eyes....but have to say he improves alot ...

P/S.. i never voted any of them...hhhaha :lol:

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  • SRC Member

i dunno y ppl in here says taufik has improved a lot... i feel that he has been gd all along... i mean he has improved a little over the competition la but generally he has been gd all along... do u guys noe dat he is spore's 'usher'? :lol: he won this sing/lookalike contest on perfect ten and gt to c usher perform live in the states..

but ironically to me he's only nt so good performance in sg idol is when he sang usher's YEAH! :lol::lol: he also gt his band whois in the local hip/hop fraternity..

oh ya i hate the eyeliner thingy too! :lol:

sylvester also gt his own band b4 sg idol.. i think he'll do damn well in the chinese market no matter wat the results of the final will be.. seriously i dont know why his fans are so crazy bout him... looks? voice? haiz.. and i rili hate the winking while pointing at the camera sequence! damn irritating!

p.s. i do vote a few times for taufik and daphne.. :D

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  • SRC Member

well, its IDOL competition after all... what the record companies are looking out for is someone whose albums can sell. Going by the no. of singers there are around in the market, you'll know that not many have really good voices. Record companies want the whole PACKAGE... not just good voice.

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