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What To Feed Blue Spiny Lobster With?

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  • SRC Member

Hi, i just brought a baby blue spiny lobster recently about 2 inch , the one with long white feelers.I would like to ask is it a scavenger? What does it eat ?

And what can i feed it with ....? How big can it grow up to in captivity?

Can anyone who has experience with keeping lobsters let me know what is its feeding habits? And will it eat or disturb my soft corals...?

Thanks a lot!!! :bow::bow:

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  • SRC Member

i had one of these . never fed it specifically . let it find its own food. kept for abt 3 months happily until one morning wake up hear clicking sound from my tank. turn on the lights and see half of it sticking out the powerhead intake. My sicce nova has a high casualty rate man. 2 blennies 1 lobster. i selling it cheap coz got bad karma.

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  • SRC Member

yah no need to feed.

just be careful because as it grows bigger, may have tendency to knock rocks over. Last thing u want is to wake up to a pool of water in yr living rm. It happened to my marine tank in school once.

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
Sump Tank :
Return Pump :
Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
Protein Skimmer :
Wave Maker :
Fluidised Reactor :

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